2025 02 05 19:56
Scheduled database upgrade

Due to a scheduled database upgrade on Wednesday Feb 12th 2025, at 14:00 UTC (09:00 EST) the MPC will pause the processing of data for an estimated 3 hours (i.e. until 17:00 UTC). Observers will still be able to submit astrometry during this period but it will not be processed until the system is back up and running. The MPC website will not be affected.

The Minor Planet Center (MPC) is the single worldwide location for receipt and distribution of positional measurements of minor planets, comets and outer irregular natural satellites of the major planets. The MPC is responsible for the identification, designation and orbit computation for all of these objects. This involves maintaining the master files of observations and orbits, keeping track of the discoverer of each object, and announcing discoveries to the rest of the world via electronic circulars and an extensive website. The MPC operates at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, under the auspices of Division F of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

All of the MPC's operating funds come from a NASA Near-Earth Object Observations program grant. Much of the computer equipment that the MPC uses was provided by the Tamkin Foundation.