MPEC 2004-C60 : 2004 CE39
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M.P.E.C. 2004-C60 Issued 2004 Feb. 15, 10:38 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Supported in part by the Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2004 CE39 Observations: K04C39E C2004 02 14.31065 11 06 01.02 -03 32 47.0 19.2 EC060644 K04C39E C2004 02 14.36089 11 05 59.02 -03 29 43.1 19.2 EC060644 K04C39E* C2004 02 14.39880 11 05 57.23 -03 27 24.3 19.1 R EC060699 K04C39E C2004 02 14.40595 11 05 57.18 -03 26 56.8 19.0 EC060644 K04C39E C2004 02 14.42920 11 05 55.99 -03 25 31.7 EC060699 K04C39E C2004 02 14.44123 11 05 55.60 -03 24 47.2 EC060699 K04C39E C2004 02 14.45334 11 05 55.07 -03 24 02.7 EC060699 K04C39E C2004 02 15.05883 11 05 39.57 -02 45 37.6 EC060143 K04C39E C2004 02 15.06533 11 05 39.33 -02 45 11.2 19.6 R EC060143 K04C39E C2004 02 15.07224 11 05 38.97 -02 44 45.5 19.4 R EC060143 K04C39E C2004 02 15.38110 11 05 29.48 -02 24 09.6 19.6 R EC060H36 K04C39E C2004 02 15.38507 11 05 29.50 -02 23 53.6 19.8 R EC060H36 K04C39E C2004 02 15.38852 11 05 29.30 -02 23 41.9 18.7 R EC060H36 K04C39E C2004 02 15.39218 11 05 29.19 -02 23 28.2 19.8 R EC060H36 Observer details: 143 Gnosca. Observer S. Sposetti. 0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD. 644 Palomar Mountain/NEAT. Observers S. Pravdo, D. MacDonald, K. Lawrence, M. Hicks. 1.2-m Schmidt + CCD. 699 Lowell Observatory-LONEOS. Observer M. E. Van Ness. 0.59-m LONEOS Schmidt + CCD. H36 Sandlot Observatory, Scranton. Observer G. Hug. 0.3-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. Orbital elements: 2004 CE39 Epoch 2004 Feb. 5.0 TT = JDT 2453040.5 MPC M 258.25806 (2000.0) P Q n 0.94747000 Peri. 126.26456 +0.18570625 +0.97334180 a 1.0266579 Node 153.46324 -0.97016785 +0.20335406 e 0.3684519 Incl. 17.53492 -0.15584457 -0.10607953 P 1.04 H 22.4 G 0.15 From 14 observations 2004 Feb. 14-15. Ephemeris: 2004 CE39 a,e,i = 1.03, 0.37, 18 q = 0.6484 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2004 02 15 11 05.69 -02 48.9 0.194 1.168 155.7 20.4 20.2 2004 02 16 11 05.18 -01 40.9 0.187 1.162 157.5 19.0 20.0 2004 02 17 11 04.58 -00 26.4 0.179 1.157 159.4 17.5 19.9 2004 02 18 11 03.88 +00 55.1 0.171 1.152 161.3 16.0 19.7 2004 02 19 11 03.07 +02 24.5 0.164 1.147 163.3 14.3 19.6 2004 02 20 11 02.15 +04 02.4 0.157 1.141 165.4 12.6 19.4 2004 02 21 11 01.11 +05 49.8 0.150 1.136 167.4 10.9 19.2 2004 02 22 10 59.92 +07 47.5 0.144 1.131 169.4 9.3 19.1 2004 02 23 10 58.58 +09 56.4 0.137 1.125 171.1 7.9 18.9 2004 02 24 10 57.07 +12 17.6 0.131 1.119 172.0 7.1 18.8 2004 02 25 10 55.36 +14 52.1 0.125 1.114 171.7 7.3 18.7 2004 02 26 10 53.42 +17 40.7 0.120 1.108 170.1 8.8 18.6 2004 02 27 10 51.23 +20 44.2 0.115 1.103 167.5 11.2 18.6 2004 02 28 10 48.72 +24 03.1 0.110 1.097 164.2 14.3 18.6 2004 02 29 10 45.86 +27 37.7 0.106 1.091 160.3 17.8 18.6 2004 03 01 10 42.56 +31 27.5 0.102 1.085 156.1 21.8 18.7 2004 03 02 10 38.74 +35 31.7 0.099 1.079 151.5 26.0 18.7 2004 03 03 10 34.26 +39 48.4 0.097 1.073 146.6 30.5 18.8 2004 03 04 10 28.96 +44 15.1 0.095 1.068 141.6 35.3 18.9 2004 03 05 10 22.59 +48 48.4 0.094 1.062 136.3 40.2 19.0 2004 03 06 10 14.83 +53 24.4 0.093 1.055 131.0 45.1 19.1 2004 03 07 10 05.18 +57 58.4 0.093 1.049 125.7 50.1 19.2 2004 03 08 09 52.92 +62 25.6 0.094 1.043 120.5 55.1 19.4 2004 03 09 09 36.89 +66 41.0 0.095 1.037 115.3 59.9 19.5 2004 03 10 09 15.3 +70 38.8 0.097 1.031 110.4 64.6 19.7 2004 03 11 08 45.4 +74 12.7 0.099 1.025 105.6 69.0 19.9 2004 03 12 08 02.9 +77 13.4 0.102 1.018 101.1 73.2 20.0 2004 03 13 07 03.3 +79 27.6 0.105 1.012 96.9 77.2 20.2 2004 03 14 05 47.0 +80 39.2 0.109 1.006 92.9 80.9 20.4 2004 03 15 04 26.7 +80 40.7 0.113 0.999 89.1 84.3 20.6 2004 03 16 03 19.1 +79 44.9 0.118 0.993 85.7 87.6 20.8 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2004 MPC M.P.E.C. 2004-C60
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