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  • MPEC 2005-U32 : 2005 UR

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-U32                                Issued 2005 Oct. 24, 18:14 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                        2005 UR
         K05U00R* C2005 10 23.36182 02 23 32.71 +26 24 57.5          17.9 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.37039 02 23 28.06 +26 25 37.6          17.9 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.37897 02 23 23.42 +26 26 17.9          17.7 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.38757 02 23 18.78 +26 26 57.8          18.0 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.44223 02 22 49.08 +26 31 13.2          17.9 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.45133 02 22 44.11 +26 31 56.1          17.9 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.46950 02 22 34.21 +26 33 21.2          17.6 V EU032703
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.89014 02 18 42.56 +27 08 40.9                 EU032143
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.89260 02 18 41.04 +27 08 53.6          17.5 R EU032143
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.89576 02 18 39.11 +27 09 10.2          18.3 R EU032143
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.90093 02 18 35.79 +27 09 36.5          17.3 V EU032198
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.90159 02 18 35.39 +27 09 40.0          17.4 V EU032198
         K05U00R  C2005 10 23.90315 02 18 34.43 +27 09 48.3          17.4 V EU032198
         K05U00R 5C2005 10 24.36221 02 13 35.46 +27 53 10.3          17.5 R EU032673
         K05U00R  C2005 10 24.36355 02 13 33.90 +27 53 20.4          17.7 R EU032854
         K05U00R  C2005 10 24.36422 02 13 33.44 +27 53 23.7          17.6 R EU032854
         K05U00R  C2005 10 24.36489 02 13 32.96 +27 53 27.8          17.8 R EU032854
         K05U00R 5C2005 10 24.36638 02 13 32.45 +27 53 35.0                 EU032673
         K05U00R 5C2005 10 24.37182 02 13 28.49 +27 54 07.3                 EU032673
         K05U00R 5C2005 10 24.38027 02 13 22.39 +27 54 57.1                 EU032673
    Observer details:
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    198 Wildberg.  Observer R. Apitzsch.  0.35-m f/4.2 reflector + CCD.
    673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood.  Observer J. Young.  0.6-m f/16
        Cassegrain + CCD.
    703 Catalina Sky Survey.  Observer E. J. Christensen.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski,
        S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  0.68-m Schmidt + CCD.
    854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.36-m f/10.0
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 UR                                                              PHA 0.033
    Epoch 2005 Aug. 18.0 TT = JDT 2453600.5                 MPC
    M 327.58391              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.28525109     Peri.  140.49496     -0.94115410     -0.33543005
    a   2.2855173      Node    20.02430     +0.27133505     -0.82295020
    e   0.8841653      Incl.    6.94775     +0.20150994     -0.45851898
    P   3.46           H   21.2           G   0.15           U   8
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    051023 703  0.4+  0.1-    051023 143  0.0   0.2+    051024 854  0.1-  0.5+
    051023 703  0.0   0.0     051023 143  0.0   0.3-    051024 854  0.2+  0.1-
    051023 703  0.0   0.3+    051023 143  0.3+  0.8-    051024 854  0.2+  0.0
    051023 703  0.1+  0.0     051023 198  0.3-  0.3+    051024 673  0.2+  0.1+
    051023 703  0.1+  0.1-    051023 198  0.2-  0.3+    051024 673  0.1-  0.2+
    051023 703  0.1-  0.2+    051023 198  0.1-  0.2+    051024 673  0.2+  0.1+
    051023 703  0.0   0.1+    051024 673  0.2+  0.0
    2005 UR                  a,e,i = 2.29, 0.88, 7                   q = 0.2647
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 10 17    02 51.72   +21 35.0    0.250    1.229   156.3    19.0    19.6
    2005 10 18    02 49.33   +22 03.4    0.232    1.213   157.5    18.3    19.4
    2005 10 19    02 46.46   +22 36.0    0.213    1.197   158.7    17.6    19.2
    2005 10 20    02 42.97   +23 13.9    0.195    1.181   159.9    16.8    18.9
    2005 10 21    02 38.69   +23 58.7    0.177    1.165   161.1    16.1    18.6
    2005 10 22    02 33.34   +24 52.4    0.160    1.148   162.2    15.4    18.4
    2005 10 23    02 26.52   +25 57.8    0.142    1.132   163.0    14.9    18.1
    2005 10 24    02 17.57   +27 18.9    0.125    1.115   163.4    14.8    17.7
    2005 10 25    02 05.42   +29 01.7    0.108    1.098   162.9    15.4    17.4
    2005 10 26    01 48.18   +31 14.2    0.0914   1.081   160.9    17.5    17.1
    2005 10 27    01 22.24   +34 06.1    0.0758   1.064   156.5    21.9    16.8
    2005 10 28    00 40.48   +37 39.7    0.0615   1.046   148.4    29.8    16.5
    2005 10 29    23 29.84   +41 05.7    0.0497   1.029   135.0    43.1    16.4
    2005 10 30    21 40.38   +40 49.9    0.0424   1.011   114.6    63.2    16.6
    2005 10 31    19 44.12   +32 47.8    0.0421   0.994    90.1    87.5    17.4
    2005 11 01    18 23.92   +21 27.2    0.0488   0.976    68.7   108.6    18.7
    2005 11 02    17 36.38   +12 21.9    0.0603   0.958    53.8   123.3    20.1
    2005 11 03    17 07.23   +06 08.6    0.0744   0.940    43.7   133.1    21.5
    2005 11 04    16 48.06   +01 54.5    0.0899   0.921    36.8   139.9    22.6
    2005 11 05    16 34.63   -01 04.7    0.106    0.903    31.7   144.8    23.6
    2005 11 06    16 24.72   -03 16.2    0.123    0.884    27.7   148.6    24.6
    Kyle E. Smalley              (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-U32

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