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  • MPEC 2005-Y27 : COMETS C/1999 U2, 2005 W5 (SOHO)

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-Y27                                Issued 2005 Dec. 23, 20:37 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                           COMETS C/1999 U2, 2005 W5 (SOHO)
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.47647 13 49 38.7  -12 57 38                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.47647 2 -0.00786102 -0.00675406 -0.00376090   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.49313 13 49 30.9  -12 54 08                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.49313 2 -0.00786043 -0.00675462 -0.00376141   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.50423 13 49 26.3  -12 52 04                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.50423 2 -0.00786003 -0.00675499 -0.00376175   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.51812 13 49 20.0  -12 49 11                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.51812 2 -0.00785954 -0.00675545 -0.00376218   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.53479 13 49 13.3  -12 45 38                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.53479 2 -0.00785895 -0.00675600 -0.00376269   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.56030 13 49 01.2  -12 40 20                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.56030 2 -0.00785805 -0.00675684 -0.00376347   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.57645 13 48 54.2  -12 36 59                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.57645 2 -0.00785748 -0.00675738 -0.00376397   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.58756 13 48 49.6  -12 34 38                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.58756 2 -0.00785708 -0.00675775 -0.00376431   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.60147 13 48 43.1  -12 31 46                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.60147 2 -0.00785659 -0.00675820 -0.00376473   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.61812 13 48 36.1  -12 28 16                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.61812 2 -0.00785600 -0.00675875 -0.00376524   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.62925 13 48 31.9  -12 25 49                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.62925 2 -0.00785561 -0.00675912 -0.00376558   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1S1999 10 24.64313 13 48 26.2  -12 22 56                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 1s1999 10 24.64313 2 -0.00785512 -0.00675958 -0.00376600   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.65979 13 48 19.0  -12 19 32                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.65979 2 -0.00785454 -0.00676013 -0.00376651   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.67092 13 48 14.5  -12 17 13                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.67092 2 -0.00785415 -0.00676050 -0.00376685   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.68479 13 48 09.1  -12 14 10                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.68479 2 -0.00785366 -0.00676095 -0.00376728   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.70145 13 48 04.4  -12 10 32                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.70145 2 -0.00785308 -0.00676150 -0.00376778   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.71257 13 47 59.9  -12 08 12                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.71257 2 -0.00785269 -0.00676187 -0.00376812   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.72645 13 47 54.0  -12 05 14                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.72645 2 -0.00785220 -0.00676233 -0.00376854   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.74312 13 47 49.3  -12 01 42                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.74312 2 -0.00785162 -0.00676287 -0.00376905   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.75423 13 47 45.2  -11 59 30                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.75423 2 -0.00785123 -0.00676324 -0.00376939   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.76812 13 47 40.6  -11 56 36                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.76812 2 -0.00785074 -0.00676370 -0.00376981   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.78479 13 47 34.3  -11 52 44                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.78479 2 -0.00785016 -0.00676424 -0.00377031   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.81029 13 47 26.9  -11 47 25                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.81029 2 -0.00784927 -0.00676508 -0.00377109   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.82645 13 47 22.0  -11 44 09                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.82645 2 -0.00784871 -0.00676561 -0.00377158   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2S1999 10 24.83756 13 47 18.8  -11 41 47                   EY027249
        CJ99U020 2s1999 10 24.83756 2 -0.00784833 -0.00676597 -0.00377191   EY027249
    Observer details:
    249 SOHO.  SOHO-LASCO coronagraph C2.  Prediscovery detection by R. Kracht,
        measurements by D. Hammer, reductions by B. G. Marsden.  These observations
        are reprinted from MPC 45315.  For note 1, see below.
         Further to the note about C/2005 W5 at the end of MPEC 2005-X14 and
    its possible linkage to one of the Marsden-group comets of 1999, Z. Sekanina
    and P. Chodas, and also R. Kracht, have suggested that a fit to C/1999 U2
    seems most likely.  The linkage below is from the C2 observations above and
    on MPEC 2005-X14.  It should be noted that, although all the observations of
    C/2005 W5 are from least-squares cubic reductions (i.e., using 11 or more
    reference stars), in the case of C/1999 U2 this is true only for the
    observations shown above with note 1 (rather than 2) in column 14.  For
    the remainder it was necessary to make only quadratic reductions, and the
    observations from 1999 10 24.70145 onward are particularly unsatisfactory.
    Since the orbits below also reasonably represent the generally inferior C3
    observations in both 1999 and 2005 (i.e., without systematic residuals above
    about 70 arcsec), it seems likely that the linkage is in fact correct.
    Orbital elements:
        C/1999 U2 = 2005 W5 (SOHO)
    Epoch 1999 Oct. 29.0 TT = JDT 2451480.5
    T 1999 Oct. 25.22593 TT                                 MPC
    q   0.0490396            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.16180462     Peri.   21.80837     -0.19907331     -0.86989347
    a   3.3353553      Node    82.04805     +0.81826669     -0.40095273
    e   0.9852970      Incl.   27.10761     +0.53926751     +0.28726687
    P   6.09
    Epoch 2005 Dec. 16.0 TT = JDT 2453720.5
    T 2005 Nov. 29.91210 TT                                 MPC
    q   0.0493181            (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.16158616     Peri.   21.96168     -0.19853841     -0.87165905
    a   3.3383608      Node    81.84466     +0.81835957     -0.39902260
    e   0.9852269      Incl.   26.91558     +0.53932376     +0.28459001
    P   6.10
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    991024 249  0.9+  0.1- Y  991024 249  7.6-  2.0- Y  051129 249  8.8+ 21.1- Y
    991024 249  1.5-  4.6+ Y  991024 249 16.6+  4.4+ Y  051129 249  8.9+  6.7+ Y
    991024 249  5.0+  8.5- Y  991024 249 11.6+  3.0+ Y  051129 249  9.6+  6.7+ Y
    991024 249  4.5+  7.5- Y  991024 249  0.2-  4.4+ Y  051129 249 18.0+  7.7+ Y
    991024 249 15.4+  1.6- Y  991024 249 18.4+  4.3+ Y  051129 249  4.2+  3.8+ Y
    991024 249  2.8+  1.8- Y  991024 249 15.3+  5.0- Y  051129 249  9.1+ 12.5+ Y
    991024 249  2.9+  3.0- Y  991024 249 17.5+  7.7- Y  051129 249 13.8+  3.6+ Y
    991024 249  5.3+  1.4- Y  991024 249  6.3+ 12.3+ Y  051129 249  5.9-  0.9- Y
    991024 249  3.4-  4.2- Y  991024 249 16.5+  7.7+ Y  051129 249  3.4-  6.2- Y
    991024 249  3.8-  4.0- Y  991024 249 16.3+  1.0- Y  051129 249  6.6-  0.6- Y
    991024 249  2.1+  2.6+ Y  991024 249 16.9+  0.5+ Y  051129 249  5.8-  2.0- Y
    991024 249  1.5+  0.1+ Y  051129 249 19.4- 21.7- Y  051129 249  0.6+ 11.9- Y
    991024 249  6.0-  6.8- Y  051129 249 19.5+  7.0+ Y  051129 249  0.2-  5.1- Y
    991024 249  7.5-  8.9- Y  051129 249 21.5-  8.4+ Y  051129 249  3.4-  4.4- Y
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-Y27

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