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  • MPEC 2005-Y43 : 2005 YW

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-Y43                                Issued 2005 Dec. 27, 13:00 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                        2005 YW
    Additional Observations:
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 24.27424 05 52 22.37 +54 59 31.3          19.8   EY043704
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 24.28750 05 52 21.41 +54 59 28.0          19.9   EY043704
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 24.30094 05 52 20.41 +54 59 25.0          19.8   EY043704
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 24.31412 05 52 19.42 +54 59 21.6          20.0   EY043704
         K05Y00W 5C2005 12 25.24838 05 51 09.04 +54 55 28.8          19.0 R EY043673
         K05Y00W 5C2005 12 25.25752 05 51 08.34 +54 55 26.4                 EY043673
         K05Y00W 5C2005 12 25.26099 05 51 08.09 +54 55 25.4                 EY043673
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.26640 05 51 07.45 +54 55 25.3          18.2 R EY043682
         K05Y00W 5C2005 12 25.26644 05 51 07.69 +54 55 24.1                 EY043673
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.28949 05 51 05.83 +54 55 18.9          16.7 R EY043682
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.31259 05 51 04.06 +54 55 12.3          19.5 R EY043682
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.33714 05 51 02.20 +54 55 05.7          19.5 R EY043854
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.34396 05 51 01.74 +54 55 05.0          19.6 R EY043854
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.35077 05 51 01.16 +54 55 02.0          19.6 R EY043854
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.89379 05 50 20.44 +54 52 40.6          18.9 R EY043143
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.90626 05 50 19.48 +54 52 37.5          19.8 R EY043143
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 25.91285 05 50 18.97 +54 52 36.0          19.2 R EY043143
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.00113 05 50 12.21 +54 52 11.6          19.5 R EY043118
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.00579 05 50 11.88 +54 52 10.6          19.6 R EY043118
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.02700 05 50 10.41 +54 52 05.2          19.8 V EY043J77
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.04342 05 50 09.09 +54 52 00.9          19.8 V EY043J77
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.06196 05 50 07.67 +54 51 55.7          19.7 V EY043J77
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.20666 05 49 56.91 +54 51 17.7          18.9 R EY043734
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.21344 05 49 56.44 +54 51 16.3          19.5 R EY043734
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 26.21933 05 49 56.03 +54 51 14.4          19.1 R EY043734
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 27.22350 05 48 40.48 +54 46 37.9          18.7 R EY043734
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 27.22792 05 48 40.20 +54 46 37.0          19.5 R EY043734
         K05Y00W  C2005 12 27.23675 05 48 39.52 +54 46 34.0          19.1 R EY043734
    Observer details:
    118 Modra.  Observer S. Gajdos.  0.6-m f/5.5 reflector + CCD.
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood.  Observer J. Young.  0.6-m f/16
        Cassegrain + CCD.
    682 Kanab.  Observer E. Sheridan.  0.36-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico.  Observers M. Bezpalko, L. Manguso,
        D. Torres, R. Kracke, A. Milner, H. Love.  Measurers J. Stuart, R. Sayer,
        J. Evans, J. Kommers.  1.0-m f/2.15 reflector + CCD.
    734 Farpoint Observatory.  Observer D. Tibbets.  Measurer G. Hug.  0.7-m
        reflector + CCD.
    854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.36-m f/10.0
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    J77 Golden Hill Observatory, Stourton Caundle.  Observer R. Miles.  0.28-m
        f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 YW
    Epoch 2006 Mar. 6.0 TT = JDT 2453800.5                  MPC
    M 359.82215              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.00065090     Peri.  233.49843     -0.84047721     +0.05357261
    a 131.8637486      Node   302.88928     +0.35658578     -0.69456086
    e   0.9848000      Incl.   39.94920     -0.40797627     -0.71743654
    P  1510            H   13.2           G   0.15
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    051221 704  0.2-  0.1-    051225 673  0.1-  0.2-    051226 118  0.1+  0.3-
    051221 704  0.4-  0.3+    051225 682  1.8-  1.1+    051226 J77  0.9+  0.1-
    051221 704  0.2+  0.0     051225 673  0.1+  0.2-    051226 J77  0.3+  0.1+
    051222 704  0.1-  0.3+    051225 682  0.5-  0.6+    051226 J77  0.2+  0.1-
    051222 704  0.6+  0.9-    051225 682  0.4-  0.1-    051226 734  0.0   0.1-
    051222 704  0.1+  0.0     051225 854  0.1-  0.5-    051226 734  0.5+  0.3+
    051224 704  0.4-  0.1+    051225 854  0.4+  0.5+    051226 734  0.8+  0.0
    051224 704  0.1+  0.0     051225 854  0.1-  0.7-    051227 734  0.5-  0.0
    051224 704  0.4+  0.3+    051225 143  0.2-  0.1-    051227 734  0.0   0.3+
    051224 704  0.7+  0.1+    051225 143  0.2-  0.1+    051227 734  0.0   0.2-
    051225 673  0.2-  0.0     051225 143  0.3-  0.3+
    051225 673  0.2-  0.1-    051226 118  0.1-  0.6-
    2005 YW                  a,e,i = 131.86, 0.98, 40                q = 2.0043
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 12 26    05 50.21   +54 52.2    3.391    4.258   148.1     7.0    19.5
    2006 01 05    05 38.02   +53 56.8    3.330    4.173   144.9     7.8    19.5
    2006 01 15    05 27.28   +52 40.9    3.296    4.088   138.8     9.1    19.5
    2006 01 25    05 18.85   +51 08.8    3.288    4.003   131.0    10.7    19.5
    2006 02 04    05 13.23   +49 26.0    3.302    3.918   122.3    12.3    19.5
    2006 02 14    05 10.59   +47 38.2    3.333    3.833   113.3    13.7    19.5
    2006 02 24    05 10.81   +45 49.8    3.378    3.748   104.3    14.8    19.5
    2006 03 06    05 13.68   +44 03.9    3.432    3.664    95.5    15.6    19.6
    2006 03 16    05 18.90   +42 22.3    3.491    3.579    87.0    16.1    19.6
    2006 03 26    05 26.16   +40 45.4    3.550    3.495    78.7    16.3    19.5
    2006 04 05    05 35.18   +39 12.7    3.606    3.411    70.8    16.1    19.5
    2006 04 15    05 45.69   +37 43.4    3.657    3.327    63.2    15.6    19.5
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-Y43

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