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  • MPEC 2006-B19 : COMET C/2006 A1 (POJMANSKI)

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    M.P.E.C. 2006-B19                                Issued 2006 Jan. 21, 22:46 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                              COMET C/2006 A1 (POJMANSKI)
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.50116 21 17 15.52 -65 26 10.4          15.2 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.50903 21 17 14.41 -65 25 59.1          14.5 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.51007 21 17 14.25 -65 25 56.8          15.1 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.51106 21 17 14.18 -65 25 55.4          15.2 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.51146 21 17 14.05 -65 25 55.1          15.4 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.51181 21 17 14.07 -65 25 56.0          15.2 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 09.51736 21 17 13.32 -65 25 47.3          13.5 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 10.43507 21 15 01.01 -65 04 03.1          14.0 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 10.45775 21 14 57.86 -65 03 29.8          14.9 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 10.48137 21 14 54.49 -65 02 55.8          14.0 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.36362 21 12 50.21 -64 41 44.7          14.7 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.36860 21 12 49.49 -64 41 37.1          14.5 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.37561 21 12 48.54 -64 41 26.7          14.2 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.49459 21 12 32.00 -64 38 32.1          14.0 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.50479 21 12 30.61 -64 38 17.7          13.8 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 11.51084 21 12 29.66 -64 38 09.7          13.9 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 12.43326 21 10 22.71 -64 15 41.2          14.3 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 12.43477 21 10 22.41 -64 15 39.2          14.4 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 12.43626 21 10 22.21 -64 15 36.0          14.4 N EB019415
        CK06A010 bC2006 01 13.08537 21 08 54.32 -63 59 33.5                 EB019834
        CK06A010 bC2006 01 13.08800 21 08 54.03 -63 59 29.6                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 17.02782 21 00 20.49 -62 18 22.4                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 17.04480 21 00 18.41 -62 17 55.0                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 17.36245 20 59 38.37 -62 09 26.3          14.1 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 17.37405 20 59 37.00 -62 09 07.3          14.0 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 17.37690 20 59 36.50 -62 09 02.4          14.0 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.01359 20 58 16.76 -61 51 50.9                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.03015 20 58 14.68 -61 51 23.3                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.04991 20 58 12.33 -61 50 50.6                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.48049 20 57 18.95 -61 39 02.5          12.5 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.48686 20 57 18.30 -61 38 54.7          12.4 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 18.49309 20 57 17.12 -61 38 41.5          11.5 N EB019D87
        CK06A010  C2006 01 19.00771 20 56 13.52 -61 24 29.6                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 19.02537 20 56 11.39 -61 23 59.9                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 19.04186 20 56 09.39 -61 23 31.7                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.00677 20 54 11.20 -60 56 21.4                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.02192 20 54 09.34 -60 55 54.5                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.03594 20 54 07.73 -60 55 30.8                 EB019834
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.41928 20 53 21.00 -60 44 32.0          13.8 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.42623 20 53 20.20 -60 44 19.6          13.7 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.43612 20 53 19.00 -60 44 02.5          13.4 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.44001 20 53 18.53 -60 43 55.5          14.4 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.44133 20 53 18.37 -60 43 53.3          12.9 N EB019423
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.44148 20 53 18.27 -60 43 52.2          14.3 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.44251 20 53 18.21 -60 43 50.9          14.3 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.45054 20 53 17.27 -60 43 36.8          14.4 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 20.47611 20 53 14.27 -60 42 52.6          14.6 N EB019415
        CK06A010  C2006 01 21.35057 20 51 28.62 -60 17 22.1          13.4 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 21.35966 20 51 27.56 -60 17 05.8          13.4 N EB019467
        CK06A010  C2006 01 21.36830 20 51 26.49 -60 16 50.0          13.3 N EB019467
    Observer details:
    415 Kambah, near Canberra.  Observer D. Herald.  0.36-m f/3.9
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    423 North Ryde.  Observer S. G. McAndrew.  0.20-m f/4 hyperbolic astrograph
        + CCD.
    467 Auckland Observatory.  Observer G. W Christie.  0.35-m f/11
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    834 Buenos Aires-AAAA.  Observers O. R. Mackintosh, M. Konishi.  Measurer
        M. R. Mackintosh.  0.25-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    D87 Brooklyn Park.  Observer M. Mattiazzo.  0.28-m f/3.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
        C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski)
    T 2006 Feb. 22.1821 TT                                  MPC
    q   0.555442             (2000.0)            P               Q
                       Peri.  351.1839      -0.8401334      -0.1554793
                       Node   211.3465      -0.4164949      -0.4287465
    e   1.0            Incl.   92.7413      -0.3474304      +0.8899453
    From 85 observations 2006 Jan. 4-21.
        C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski)       [Mag. = 9.0 + 5 log Delta + 8 log r]
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase  Mag.
    2006 01 15    21 04.69   -63 11.4    1.428    0.994    44.0    43.5   9.8
    2006 01 20    20 54.21   -60 56.6    1.375    0.913    41.6    45.6   9.4
    2006 01 25    20 44.31   -58 23.7    1.314    0.835    39.4    48.5   9.0
    2006 01 30    20 34.86   -55 23.0    1.243    0.760    37.7    52.4   8.5
    2006 02 04    20 26.04   -51 39.9    1.163    0.691    36.4    57.7   8.0
    2006 02 09    20 18.42   -46 53.6    1.075    0.632    35.4    64.6   7.6
    2006 02 14    20 13.03   -40 36.8    0.984    0.586    34.6    73.0   7.1
    2006 02 19    20 11.25   -32 19.8    0.897    0.560    34.1    81.9   6.8
    2006 02 24    20 14.36   -21 44.5    0.824    0.557    34.3    89.4   6.5
    2006 03 01    20 22.95   -09 07.9    0.780    0.577    35.6    92.6   6.5
    2006 03 06    20 36.71   +04 20.9    0.773    0.618    38.5    90.3   6.8
    2006 03 11    20 54.67   +17 05.7    0.806    0.674    42.4    83.8   7.2
    2006 03 16    21 15.65   +27 56.9    0.871    0.740    46.2    75.7   7.7
    2006 03 21    21 38.54   +36 34.9    0.960    0.814    49.1    67.7   8.2
    2006 03 26    22 02.38   +43 13.6    1.063    0.892    51.2    60.6   8.7
    2006 03 31    22 26.41   +48 17.6    1.174    0.972    52.4    54.5   9.2
    2006 04 05    22 50.06   +52 10.4    1.289    1.053    52.9    49.3   9.7
    2006 04 10    23 12.94   +55 10.6    1.405    1.134    53.1    44.9  10.2
    2006 04 15    23 34.80   +57 32.5    1.519    1.216    53.0    41.2  10.6
    2006 04 20    23 55.51   +59 26.4    1.631    1.297    52.6    38.0  11.0
    2006 04 25    00 15.04   +60 59.9    1.740    1.377    52.2    35.3  11.3
    2006 04 30    00 33.36   +62 18.6    1.846    1.457    51.8    32.9  11.6
    2006 05 05    00 50.52   +63 26.3    1.946    1.536    51.4    30.9  11.9
    Daniel W. E. Green           (C) Copyright 2006 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2006-B19

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