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  • MPEC 2006-B39 : 2006 BZ7

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    M.P.E.C. 2006-B39                                Issued 2006 Jan. 24, 12:26 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2006 BZ7
         K06B07Z* C2006 01 23.08963 00 20 34.22 +10 42 58.6          18.6 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.09564 00 20 36.27 +10 42 33.5          18.5 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.10160 00 20 38.29 +10 42 07.2          18.4 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.10756 00 20 40.27 +10 41 42.1          18.7 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.14090 00 20 51.50 +10 39 18.9          18.1 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.14177 00 20 51.79 +10 39 15.9          18.4 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.14265 00 20 52.11 +10 39 11.6          18.4 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.14352 00 20 52.40 +10 39 08.7          18.5 V EB039703
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.18531 00 21 06.51 +10 36 09.7          18.9 R EB039651
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.18809 00 21 07.41 +10 35 58.6          18.8 R EB039651
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.19085 00 21 08.41 +10 35 46.3          19.0 R EB039651
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.72206 00 24 07.56 +09 58 06.1          18.9 V EB039198
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.72282 00 24 07.82 +09 58 02.8          19.0 V EB039198
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.72455 00 24 08.39 +09 57 55.5          19.1 V EB039198
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.72627 00 24 08.97 +09 57 48.2          19.1 V EB039198
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.72914 00 24 09.93 +09 57 36.1          19.0 V EB039198
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.73218 00 24 10.96 +09 57 22.5          18.6 R EB039143
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 23.74904 00 24 16.49 +09 56 10.8          18.7 R EB039143
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.03594 00 25 51.80 +09 36 00.1          19.5 R EB039734
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.04170 00 25 53.75 +09 35 35.3          19.0 R EB039734
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.04325 00 25 54.25 +09 35 29.1          19.2 R EB039734
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.12924 00 26 22.52 +09 29 27.2          18.6 V EB039G96
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.13101 00 26 23.10 +09 29 19.8          18.6 V EB039G96
         K06B07Z  C2006 01 24.13278 00 26 23.67 +09 29 12.4          18.6 V EB039G96
    Observer details:
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    198 Wildberg.  Observer R. Apitzsch.  0.35-m f/4.2 reflector + CCD.
    651 Grasslands Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.62-m f/5.1
        reflector + CCD.
    703 Catalina Sky Survey.  Observer R. Hill.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski,
        S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  0.68-m Schmidt + CCD.
    734 Farpoint Observatory.  Observer D. Tibbets.  Measurer G. Hug.  0.7-m
        reflector + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer S. M. Larson.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski,
        S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2006 BZ7                                            PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0398 AU
    Epoch 2006 Mar. 6.0 TT = JDT 2453800.5                  MPC
    M  16.77240              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.57736171     Peri.  189.83831     +0.05077688     -0.38313671
    a   1.4283591      Node   263.36776     +0.96777135     +0.24695593
    e   0.3409281      Incl.   68.20351     +0.24665830     -0.89006687
    P   1.71           H   17.3           G   0.15           U   9
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    060123 703  0.4-  0.2-    060123 651  0.4+  0.1+    060123 143  0.7+  0.5-
    060123 703  0.0   0.4+    060123 651  0.2-  0.9+    060123 143  0.0   0.7-
    060123 703  0.2+  0.4-    060123 651  0.8+  0.4+    060124 734  0.8-  0.2+
    060123 703  0.2-  0.0     060123 198  0.3-  0.6+    060124 734  0.1+  0.3-
    060123 703  0.1-  0.6-    060123 198  0.2-  0.5+    060124 734  0.0   0.1+
    060123 703  0.2-  0.1+    060123 198  0.2-  0.5+    060124 G96  0.2+  0.1-
    060123 703  0.2+  0.4-    060123 198  0.1-  0.5+    060124 G96  0.2+  0.0
    060123 703  0.1+  0.4+    060123 198  0.1+  0.6+    060124 G96  0.0   0.0
    2006 BZ7                 a,e,i = 1.43, 0.34, 68                  q = 0.9414
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2006 01 25    00 31.12   +08 28.8    0.708    0.948    65.8    71.3    18.9
    2006 01 30    00 56.17   +02 57.1    0.749    0.943    64.2    70.1    19.0
    2006 02 04    01 17.92   -02 00.4    0.798    0.941    62.7    68.5    19.1
    2006 02 09    01 36.89   -06 22.4    0.851    0.942    61.2    66.5    19.2
    2006 02 14    01 53.56   -10 11.4    0.908    0.946    59.7    64.3    19.2
    2006 02 19    02 08.39   -13 31.5    0.964    0.952    58.4    62.1    19.3
    2006 02 24    02 21.77   -16 27.2    1.019    0.962    57.2    59.9    19.4
    2006 03 01    02 34.03   -19 02.5    1.071    0.973    56.2    57.7    19.5
    2006 03 06    02 45.46   -21 21.1    1.119    0.987    55.4    55.8    19.5
    2006 03 11    02 56.28   -23 26.2    1.163    1.003    54.8    54.0    19.6
    2006 03 16    03 06.70   -25 20.4    1.201    1.021    54.4    52.4    19.7
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2006 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2006-B39

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