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  • MPEC 2006-G38 : 2006 GZ2

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    M.P.E.C. 2006-G38                                Issued 2006 Apr. 10, 15:45 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2006 GZ2
         K06G02Z* C2006 04 07.18152 12 53 41.82 -00 16 27.9          20.1 V EG038691
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.19872 12 53 39.17 -00 16 14.9          20.2 V EG038691
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.21597 12 53 36.56 -00 16 02.1          20.1 V EG038691
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90101 12 51 52.81 -00 07 31.7                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90153 12 51 52.52 -00 07 29.4                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90211 12 51 52.46 -00 07 27.9                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90313 12 51 52.39 -00 07 27.3                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90549 12 51 52.20 -00 07 25.2                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.90619 12 51 52.01 -00 07 23.9                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 07.91020 12 51 51.42 -00 07 22.5                 EG038246
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.19275 12 51 08.47 -00 03 49.1          19.2 R EG038G88
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.19338 12 51 08.46 -00 03 48.9          20.4 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.19712 12 51 07.87 -00 03 46.6          20.2 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.20090 12 51 07.29 -00 03 43.5          20.3 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.22109 12 51 04.17 -00 03 28.8          19.6 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.22793 12 51 03.13 -00 03 23.9          19.8 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.23483 12 51 02.08 -00 03 18.4          20.1 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.24125 12 51 01.18 -00 03 13.2          19.0 R EG038G88
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.24160 12 51 01.04 -00 03 13.3          19.9 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.28592 12 50 54.45 -00 02 40.4          19.0 R EG038G88
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.30576 12 50 51.19 -00 02 24.3                 EG038682
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.31485 12 50 50.06 -00 02 18.3          19.9 R EG038651
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.32036 12 50 48.97 -00 02 14.4                 EG038682
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.32068 12 50 49.04 -00 02 14.4          19.9 R EG038651
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.32652 12 50 48.20 -00 02 09.8          19.9 R EG038651
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.33495 12 50 46.68 -00 02 03.5                 EG038682
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.90722 12 49 20.20 +00 05 03.5          19.3 V EG038A50
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.91087 12 49 19.62 +00 05 06.7          19.8 V EG038A50
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.91380 12 49 19.15 +00 05 08.8          19.8 V EG038A50
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.91745 12 49 18.61 +00 05 11.7          19.7 V EG038A50
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.92184 12 49 17.93 +00 05 14.8          19.4 V EG038A50
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.94987 12 49 13.69 +00 05 35.0                 EG038J95
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.95560 12 49 12.80 +00 05 39.6                 EG038J95
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 08.96134 12 49 12.00 +00 05 44.2          19.8 R EG038J95
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.18789 12 48 37.66 +00 08 33.8          20.5 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.19238 12 48 36.99 +00 08 37.2          20.3 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.19458 12 48 36.63 +00 08 38.0          18.7 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.19612 12 48 36.40 +00 08 40.3          20.8 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.19986 12 48 35.83 +00 08 43.1          20.9 V EG038291
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.20096 12 48 35.65 +00 08 43.3          20.0 V EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.20722 12 48 34.79 +00 08 47.3                 EG038G96
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.24171 12 48 29.34 +00 09 14.6                 EG038682
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.25629 12 48 27.15 +00 09 25.2                 EG038682
         K06G02Z  C2006 04 09.27087 12 48 24.91 +00 09 36.7                 EG038682
    Observer details:
    246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT.  Observers J. Ticha, M. Tichy.  Measurer M. Tichy.
        1.06-m KLENOT Telescope + CCD.
    291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observers T. H. Bressi, T. Gehrels.  1.8-m f/2.7
        reflector + CCD.
    651 Grasslands Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.62-m f/5.1
        reflector + CCD.
    682 Kanab.  Observer E. Sheridan.  0.36-m f/5.5 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak.  Observer T. H. Bressi.  0.9-m f/3
        reflector + CCD.
    A50 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory.  Observers Y. Ivashchenko,
        D. Kyrylenko.  0.6-m reflector + CCD.
    G88 LAMP Observatory, New River.  Observer S. Loucks.  Measurer J. Loucks.
        0.28-m f/3.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer R. E. Hill.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill,
        R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector + CCD.
    J95 Great Shefford.  Observer P. Birtwhistle.  0.40-m f/6.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2006 GZ2
    Epoch 2006 Mar. 26.0 TT = JDT 2453820.5                 MPC
    M 356.36875              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.01666147     Peri.  210.66798     -0.82915187     +0.55888871
    a  15.1819389      Node   356.61241     +0.54573678     +0.81400729
    e   0.8059729      Incl.  168.01422     +0.12115501     +0.15822622
    P  59.2            H   15.0           G   0.15
    From 40 observations 2006 Apr. 7-9.  E-assumed.
    2006 GZ2                 a,e,i = 15.18, 0.81, 168                q = 2.9457
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2006 04 05    12 59.18   -00 43.7    2.474    3.471   174.7     1.5    19.9
    2006 04 15    12 33.97   +01 20.0    2.459    3.427   161.9     5.2    20.1
    2006 04 25    12 09.64   +03 13.9    2.502    3.384   146.1     9.5    20.3
    2006 05 05    11 47.73   +04 49.8    2.594    3.342   130.9    13.2    20.5
    2006 05 15    11 29.17   +06 03.7    2.724    3.302   116.5    15.9    20.6
    2006 05 25    11 14.22   +06 56.1    2.880    3.264   103.2    17.6    20.8
    2006 06 04    11 02.73   +07 29.3    3.050    3.227    90.8    18.3    20.9
    2006 06 14    10 54.29   +07 46.8    3.224    3.192    79.1    18.2    21.0
    2006 06 24    10 48.41   +07 51.7    3.392    3.160    68.2    17.4    21.1
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2006 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2006-G38

    Read MPEC 2006-G37 Read MPEC 2006-G39

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