MPEC 2006-W03 : 2006 VZ13
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M.P.E.C. 2006-W03 Issued 2006 Nov. 16, 14:25 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2006 VZ13 Observations: K06V13Z* C2006 11 13.13467 22 58 19.72 +42 35 54.0 19.9 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 13.14681 22 58 18.72 +42 35 42.7 20.2 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 13.15893 22 58 17.62 +42 35 32.2 20.3 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 13.17107 22 58 16.76 +42 35 20.0 20.4 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 13.18321 22 58 15.68 +42 35 08.2 19.8 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.06776 22 57 02.91 +42 21 05.4 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.07193 22 57 02.55 +42 21 01.1 19.0 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.07239 22 57 02.52 +42 21 01.6 20.1 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.07609 22 57 02.19 +42 20 57.2 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.08027 22 57 01.90 +42 20 53.6 18.9 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.08424 22 57 01.54 +42 20 50.1 19.8 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.09613 22 57 00.47 +42 20 38.6 20.1 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.10798 22 56 59.60 +42 20 27.0 19.6 EW003704 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.22138 22 56 50.29 +42 18 38.2 19.4 R EW003854 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.22427 22 56 50.02 +42 18 35.7 19.1 R EW003854 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.22716 22 56 49.61 +42 18 33.3 19.1 R EW003854 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.74605 22 56 08.10 +42 10 16.4 19.1 R EW003143 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.75484 22 56 07.37 +42 10 07.8 18.7 R EW003143 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.89625 22 55 55.98 +42 07 51.9 19.8 V EW003595 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.91243 22 55 54.65 +42 07 36.1 19.8 V EW003595 K06V13Z C2006 11 14.92862 22 55 53.35 +42 07 20.8 19.7 V EW003595 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.06699 22 54 24.30 +41 49 07.8 19.2 R EW003448 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.06765 22 54 24.22 +41 49 07.3 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.07498 22 54 23.65 +41 49 00.5 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.07904 22 54 23.37 +41 48 56.6 18.8 EW003H05 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.07922 22 54 23.32 +41 48 56.5 19.3 R EW003448 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.08225 22 54 23.07 +41 48 53.4 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.08953 22 54 22.50 +41 48 46.4 19.1 V EW003G96 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.09150 22 54 22.35 +41 48 44.1 19.5 R EW003448 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.09630 22 54 21.97 +41 48 40.4 19.0 EW003H05 K06V13Z C2006 11 16.10977 22 54 20.91 +41 48 27.2 18.8 EW003H05 K06V13Z 5C2006 11 16.13196 22 54 19.20 +41 48 06.1 19.5 R EW003673 K06V13Z 5C2006 11 16.13519 22 54 18.96 +41 48 03.1 EW003673 K06V13Z 5C2006 11 16.14132 22 54 18.47 +41 47 57.0 EW003673 K06V13Z 5C2006 11 16.14618 22 54 18.11 +41 47 52.3 EW003673 Observer details: 143 Gnosca. Observer S. Sposetti. 0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD. 448 Desert Moon Observatory. Observer B. L. Stevens. 0.3-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. 595 Farra d'Isonzo. Observers L. Bittesini, G. Lombardi, E. Pettarin, F. Piani. Measurers G. Lombardi, E. Pettarin. 0.40-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD. 673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood. Observer J. Young. 0.61-m f/16 Cassegrain + CCD. 704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico. Observers M. Bezpalko, L. Manguso, D. Torres, R. Kracke, H. Love, G. Spitz, J. Kistler. Measurers J. Stuart, J. Kommers, S. Scruggs. 1.0-m f/2.15 reflector + CCD. 854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson. Observer J. E. McGaha. 0.36-m f/10.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey. Observer R. A. Kowalski. Measurers E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught. 1.5-m reflector + CCD. H05 Edmund Kline Observatory, Deer Trail. Observer J. Gafford. 0.46-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2006 VZ13 Epoch 2006 Nov. 1.0 TT = JDT 2454040.5 MPC M 352.09215 (2000.0) P Q n 0.02433860 Peri. 169.93601 -0.27799434 -0.70846673 a 11.7924939 Node 66.57677 -0.92313887 +0.38374770 e 0.8871456 Incl. 135.01326 -0.26558194 -0.59229435 P 40.5 H 13.0 G 0.15 From 35 observations 2006 Nov. 13-16. E-assumed. Ephemeris: 2006 VZ13 a,e,i = 11.79, 0.89, 135 q = 1.3308 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2006 11 11 23 01.39 +43 09.6 3.272 3.901 123.1 12.3 19.3 2006 11 21 22 48.51 +40 29.9 3.294 3.813 114.6 13.6 19.3 2006 12 01 22 39.20 +37 52.3 3.338 3.724 105.4 14.8 19.3 2006 12 11 22 33.06 +35 25.4 3.398 3.634 95.9 15.6 19.3 2006 12 21 22 29.61 +33 15.2 3.465 3.543 86.5 16.1 19.3 2006 12 31 22 28.39 +31 24.8 3.532 3.452 77.3 16.1 19.3 2007 01 10 22 28.95 +29 55.2 3.593 3.360 68.5 15.8 19.3 2007 01 20 22 30.91 +28 46.4 3.643 3.267 60.2 15.1 19.2 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2006 MPC M.P.E.C. 2006-W03
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