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  • MPEC 2006-X35 : 2006 XG1

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    Read MPEC 2006-X34 Read MPEC 2006-X36

    M.P.E.C. 2006-X35                                Issued 2006 Dec. 11, 22:28 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2006 XG1
         K06X01G* C2006 12 11.13991 22 47 25.26 +06 26 29.4          18.9 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.14548 22 47 26.62 +06 26 56.7          19.0 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.15095 22 47 27.88 +06 27 22.6          18.9 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.15645 22 47 29.29 +06 27 48.7          18.4 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.18640 22 47 36.27 +06 30 14.6          19.4 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.18728 22 47 36.42 +06 30 19.4          19.3 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.18816 22 47 36.74 +06 30 23.2          19.7 V EX035703
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.77386 22 49 58.69 +07 17 35.6          18.4 R EX035143
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.78012 22 50 00.17 +07 18 06.2          18.7 R EX035143
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.78620 22 50 01.60 +07 18 35.3          19.2 R EX035143
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.80331 22 50 05.62 +07 19 58.4          19.4 V EX035595
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.81158 22 50 07.56 +07 20 37.6          19.4 V EX035595
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.81984 22 50 09.57 +07 21 17.7          19.4 V EX035595
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.82966 22 50 12.09 +07 22 03.2                 EX035J95
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.84113 22 50 14.82 +07 22 58.6                 EX035J95
         K06X01G  C2006 12 11.84799 22 50 16.51 +07 23 31.6          19.0 R EX035J95
    Observer details:
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    595 Farra d'Isonzo.  Observers G. Lombardi, E. Pettarin, F. Piani.  Measurer
        G. Lombardi.  0.40-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD.
    703 Catalina Sky Survey.  Observer E. J. Christensen.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill,
        R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  0.68-m Schmidt + CCD.
    J95 Great Shefford.  Observer P. Birtwhistle.  0.40-m f/6.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2006 XG1                                            PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0227 AU
    Epoch 2006 Sept. 22.0 TT = JDT 2454000.5                MPC
    M 345.93503              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.26759029     Peri.  343.42999     +0.91402272     -0.34207963
    a   2.3850042      Node    38.87577     +0.40032770     +0.67373400
    e   0.5802337      Incl.   20.32894     +0.06557590     +0.65502979
    P   3.68           H   18.4           G   0.15           U   9
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    061211 703  0.2-  0.4+    061211 703  0.7+  0.2+    061211 595  0.6+  0.7+
    061211 703  0.5+  0.7+    061211 143  0.1+  0.2+    061211 J95  0.0   0.0
    061211 703  0.0   0.0     061211 143  0.0   0.6+    061211 J95  0.0   0.2+
    061211 703  1.7+  0.5-    061211 143  0.1-  0.4+    061211 J95  0.9+  0.1+
    061211 703  0.1-  0.1+    061211 595  0.3+  1.1+
    061211 703  0.9-  0.7+    061211 595  0.1-  0.4+
    2006 XG1                 a,e,i = 2.39, 0.58, 20                  q = 1.0011
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2006 12 11    22 46.87   +06 15.2    0.455    1.063    87.0    67.7    19.2
    2006 12 21    23 27.52   +18 50.9    0.494    1.111    91.4    62.3    19.3
    2006 12 31    00 09.45   +29 02.0    0.556    1.170    94.9    56.8    19.5
    2007 01 10    00 52.88   +36 37.4    0.637    1.237    97.2    52.1    19.8
    2007 01 20    01 37.46   +41 55.7    0.733    1.309    98.3    48.1    20.1
    2007 01 30    02 22.40   +45 23.4    0.842    1.384    98.2    44.8    20.4
    2007 02 09    03 06.53   +47 24.8    0.962    1.462    97.3    42.0    20.8
    2007 02 19    03 48.88   +48 20.4    1.092    1.541    95.5    39.7    21.1
    2007 03 01    04 28.78   +48 27.0    1.231    1.620    93.1    37.6    21.4
    2007 03 11    05 05.85   +47 57.8    1.377    1.699    90.1    35.8    21.7
    2007 03 21    05 40.08   +47 02.6    1.531    1.778    86.7    34.0    22.0
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2006 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2006-X35

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