MPEC 2006-X43 : 2006 XD2
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M.P.E.C. 2006-X43 Issued 2006 Dec. 13, 00:14 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2006 XD2 Observations: K06X02D* C2006 12 12.26403 05 53 05.57 +34 16 36.0 16.7 EX043704 K06X02D C2006 12 12.27702 05 53 04.62 +34 17 43.5 17.5 EX043704 K06X02D C2006 12 12.28995 05 53 03.69 +34 18 49.8 17.3 EX043704 K06X02D C2006 12 12.30289 05 53 02.63 +34 19 57.1 17.0 EX043704 K06X02D C2006 12 12.31589 05 53 01.75 +34 21 02.4 17.7 EX043704 K06X02D C2006 12 12.88429 05 52 43.74 +35 11 07.7 16.7 R EX043113 K06X02D C2006 12 12.88512 05 52 43.71 +35 11 12.3 16.8 R EX043113 K06X02D C2006 12 12.88595 05 52 43.63 +35 11 16.6 16.9 R EX043113 K06X02D C2006 12 12.88953 05 52 44.00 +35 11 42.4 17.0 R EX043143 K06X02D C2006 12 12.89244 05 52 43.80 +35 11 59.1 16.9 R EX043143 K06X02D C2006 12 12.89534 05 52 43.61 +35 12 15.6 17.3 R EX043143 K06X02D C2006 12 12.92375 05 52 41.18 +35 15 01.1 16.5 V EX043595 K06X02D C2006 12 12.92662 05 52 40.96 +35 15 18.4 16.9 V EX043595 K06X02D C2006 12 12.92949 05 52 40.76 +35 15 33.7 16.6 V EX043595 Observer details: 113 Volkssternwarte Drebach, Schoenbrunn. Observer G. Lehmann. 0.5-m f/5 reflector + CCD. 143 Gnosca. Observer S. Sposetti. 0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD. 595 Farra d'Isonzo. Observers L. Bittesini, G. Lombardi, E. Pettarin. 0.40-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD. 704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico. Observers M. Bezpalko, D. Torres, R. Kracke, G. Spitz, J. Kistler. Measurers J. Stuart, S. Scruggs. 1.0-m f/2.15 reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2006 XD2 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0188 AU Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 MPC M 35.75662 (2000.0) P Q n 0.67810193 Peri. 110.62855 -0.99551439 -0.07806004 a 1.2831361 Node 64.92635 +0.04850262 -0.90621254 e 0.4412573 Incl. 3.38354 +0.08123176 -0.41555440 P 1.45 H 21.3 G 0.15 U 9 Residuals in seconds of arc 061212 704 0.1+ 0.4- 061212 113 0.2- 0.5+ 061212 143 0.1+ 0.5- 061212 704 0.0 0.1+ 061212 113 0.1+ 0.3+ 061212 595 0.0 0.1- 061212 704 0.3+ 0.1- 061212 113 0.2- 0.1- 061212 595 0.1- 0.8+ 061212 704 0.8- 0.8+ 061212 143 0.0 0.3- 061212 595 0.1+ 0.3- 061212 704 0.4+ 0.5- 061212 143 0.0 0.3- Ephemeris: 2006 XD2 a,e,i = 1.28, 0.44, 3 q = 0.7169 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2006 12 11 05 53.66 +32 39.4 0.100 1.083 166.5 12.3 17.2 2006 12 12 05 53.20 +33 54.7 0.0931 1.075 166.3 12.5 17.0 2006 12 13 05 52.60 +35 22.5 0.0857 1.068 165.8 13.1 16.9 2006 12 14 05 51.82 +37 06.0 0.0785 1.060 164.9 14.0 16.7 2006 12 15 05 50.81 +39 09.6 0.0714 1.053 163.4 15.5 16.5 2006 12 16 05 49.45 +41 39.3 0.0644 1.045 161.3 17.6 16.4 2006 12 17 05 47.60 +44 43.7 0.0576 1.038 158.5 20.3 16.2 2006 12 18 05 44.94 +48 34.9 0.0511 1.030 154.8 24.0 16.0 2006 12 19 05 40.84 +53 30.2 0.0449 1.023 149.9 28.9 15.9 2006 12 20 05 33.79 +59 53.7 0.0391 1.016 143.4 35.3 15.7 2006 12 21 05 18.89 +68 14.9 0.0340 1.008 134.8 43.8 15.7 2006 12 22 04 28.25 +78 49.6 0.0299 1.001 123.6 54.9 15.7 2006 12 23 21 32.13 +84 01.3 0.0273 0.993 109.7 68.8 15.9 2006 12 24 18 58.39 +70 02.3 0.0265 0.986 93.9 84.6 16.3 2006 12 25 18 32.95 +54 50.5 0.0277 0.978 78.4 100.0 17.1 2006 12 26 18 22.92 +41 38.3 0.0307 0.971 65.0 113.3 18.0 2006 12 27 18 17.57 +31 10.7 0.0350 0.964 54.5 123.8 19.1 2006 12 28 18 14.24 +23 11.3 0.0402 0.956 46.6 131.7 20.1 2006 12 29 18 11.97 +17 05.7 0.0461 0.949 40.6 137.6 21.0 2006 12 30 18 10.33 +12 23.2 0.0523 0.942 36.1 142.0 21.9 2006 12 31 18 09.11 +08 40.7 0.0588 0.934 32.7 145.4 22.6 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2006 MPC M.P.E.C. 2006-X43
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