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  • MPEC 2007-F20 : 2007 DT103

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    M.P.E.C. 2007-F20                                Issued 2007 Mar. 16, 23:44 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                      2007 DT103
         K07DA3T* C2007 02 26.26528 12 00 15.76 +06 20 57.1          20.9 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 02 26.27302 12 00 15.44 +06 21 03.4          21.0 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 02 26.28081 12 00 15.15 +06 21 08.9          20.8 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 02 26.28862 12 00 14.86 +06 21 15.1          21.3 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.30591 11 44 13.56 +10 50 10.2          19.1 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.31303 11 44 12.91 +10 50 17.8          19.2 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.32021 11 44 12.33 +10 50 25.8          19.3 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.32728 11 44 11.76 +10 50 34.0          19.3 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.42398 11 44 03.77 +10 52 27.3          19.4 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.42453 11 44 03.73 +10 52 27.5          19.4 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 15.42507 11 44 03.68 +10 52 27.9          19.4 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02493 11 43 16.75 +11 03 43.4                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02561 11 43 16.56 +11 03 43.9                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02626 11 43 16.51 +11 03 44.0                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02698 11 43 16.45 +11 03 45.4                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02773 11 43 16.38 +11 03 46.2                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.02837 11 43 16.35 +11 03 46.3                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.25270 11 42 58.94 +11 08 06.3          19.9 R EF020651
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.25414 11 42 58.89 +11 08 07.0          20.2 R EF020651
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.25558 11 42 58.72 +11 08 08.8          19.9 R EF020651
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.26561 11 42 57.85 +11 08 23.7          19.3 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.27482 11 42 57.02 +11 08 33.6          19.1 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.28395 11 42 56.26 +11 08 44.8          19.3 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.29319 11 42 55.47 +11 08 54.6          19.4 V EF020G96
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.37889 11 42 48.06 +11 10 27.3          20.1 R EF020734
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.38183 11 42 47.76 +11 10 31.1          19.8 R EF020734
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.38328 11 42 47.64 +11 10 32.7          20.2 R EF020734
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.38473 11 42 47.53 +11 10 34.3          20.0 R EF020734
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.38907 11 42 47.21 +11 10 39.7          20.1 R EF020734
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90130 11 42 06.48 +11 20 24.9                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90212 11 42 06.43 +11 20 26.3                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90289 11 42 06.41 +11 20 27.0                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90503 11 42 06.23 +11 20 29.8                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90604 11 42 06.14 +11 20 30.8                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90701 11 42 06.07 +11 20 33.2                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.90781 11 42 06.02 +11 20 33.6                 EF020246
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.91585 11 42 05.27 +11 20 43.5          19.6 R EF020143
         K07DA3T  C2007 03 16.93302 11 42 03.81 +11 21 02.6          20.2 R EF020143
    Observer details:
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT.  Observers M. Tichy, J. Ticha.  Measurer M. Tichy.
        1.06-m KLENOT Telescope + CCD.
    651 Grasslands Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.62-m f/5.1
        Newtonian reflector + CCD.
    734 Farpoint Observatory.  Observer D. Tibbets.  Measurer G. Hug.  0.7-m
        reflector + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observers A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer.  Measurers
        E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer,
        R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2007 DT103                                          PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0152 AU
    Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5                 MPC
    M 334.62936              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.30464295     Peri.  134.01757     +0.02273860     +0.99770164
    a   2.1874693      Node   137.16162     -0.94200527     +0.04276511
    e   0.5681994      Incl.    5.38677     -0.33482686     -0.05256037
    P   3.24           H   19.4           G   0.15           U   8
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    070226 G96  0.3+  0.3-    070316 246  0.1-  0.7-    070316 734  0.8-  0.6-
    070226 G96  0.1-  0.2+    070316 246  0.1-  0.1-    070316 734  0.7-  0.7-
    070226 G96  0.1-  0.1-    070316 246  0.2-  0.2-    070316 734  0.0   0.2-
    070226 G96  0.0   0.2+    070316 246  0.2+  0.8-    070316 246  0.4-  0.3-
    070315 G96 (0.0   3.2-)   070316 651  0.6-  0.0     070316 246  0.1-  0.1+
    070315 G96 (0.9-  3.6-)   070316 651  0.4+  0.9-    070316 246  0.6+  0.1-
    070315 G96 (0.6-  3.7-)   070316 651  0.3-  0.8-    070316 246  0.6+  0.3+
    070315 G96 (0.4-  3.5-)   070316 G96 (0.5-  2.8+)   070316 246  0.6+  0.1+
    070315 G96  0.0   1.4+    070316 G96 (1.2-  2.2+)   070316 246  0.7+  1.4+
    070315 G96  0.1+  0.9+    070316 G96 (0.9-  2.9+)   070316 246  1.0+  0.8+
    070315 G96  0.0   0.7+    070316 G96 (0.9-  2.2+)   070316 143  0.9-  1.0+
    070316 246  1.8+  0.2+    070316 734  0.1-  1.1-    070316 143  0.8-  0.3+
    070316 246  0.1-  0.1-    070316 734  0.9-  0.6-
    2007 DT103               a,e,i = 2.19, 0.57, 5                   q = 0.9446
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2007 03 11    11 49.45   +09 32.2    0.648    1.637   171.4     5.2    20.0
    2007 03 21    11 36.25   +12 40.8    0.572    1.557   166.1     8.8    19.7
    2007 03 31    11 20.30   +16 01.9    0.517    1.477   152.7    18.1    19.8
    2007 04 10    11 03.97   +19 09.6    0.479    1.397   138.5    28.4    19.8
    2007 04 20    10 49.96   +21 42.2    0.453    1.317   125.0    38.7    19.8
    2007 04 30    10 40.52   +23 30.7    0.432    1.240   112.8    48.5    19.9
    2007 05 10    10 36.51   +24 39.4    0.411    1.167   102.1    57.8    19.9
    2007 05 20    10 37.79   +25 17.3    0.384    1.100    92.8    66.8    19.9
    2007 05 30    10 43.58   +25 36.2    0.350    1.041    84.6    75.8    19.9
    2007 06 09    10 52.48   +25 49.4    0.306    0.994    77.3    85.2    19.8
    2007 06 19    11 03.12   +26 11.8    0.255    0.961    70.4    95.2    19.7
    2007 06 29    11 13.99   +27 06.8    0.197    0.946    63.6   105.7    19.7
    2007 07 09    11 23.48   +29 24.0    0.135    0.949    56.6   116.6    19.5
    2007 07 19    11 31.24   +36 01.8    0.0739   0.970    49.9   126.8    19.1
    2007 07 29    13 17.66   +84 59.1    0.0205   1.008    69.6   109.3    15.1
    Kyle E. Smalley              (C) Copyright 2007 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2007-F20

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