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  • MPEC 2008-C15 : 2008 CQ

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    M.P.E.C. 2008-C15                                Issued 2008 Feb. 2, 23:00 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                        2008 CQ
         K08C00Q* C2008 02 02.33485 09 50 13.99 +03 50 41.2          18.5   EC015704
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.34738 09 50 11.46 +03 58 14.3          18.6   EC015704
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.35993 09 50 09.02 +04 05 46.4          18.1   EC015704
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.37258 09 50 06.56 +04 13 20.1          17.8   EC015704
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.38526 09 50 04.12 +04 20 50.9          17.9   EC015704
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.87139 09 50 01.62 +08 37 07.3          17.4 R EC015143
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.87495 09 50 01.23 +08 38 48.9                 EC015143
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.89964 09 49 57.99 +08 50 24.6          18.2 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90029 09 49 57.99 +08 50 43.0          18.3 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90094 09 49 57.92 +08 51 01.5          17.9 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90514 09 49 57.42 +08 52 59.9          17.8 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90637 09 49 57.30 +08 53 34.8          18.4 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90702 09 49 57.20 +08 53 52.7          18.4 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.90767 09 49 57.09 +08 54 10.4          18.1 V EC015151
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.91067 09 50 01.05 +08 56 02.4          18.2 V EC015J87
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.91217 09 50 00.90 +08 56 44.1          17.9 V EC015J87
         K08C00Q  C2008 02 02.91370 09 50 00.70 +08 57 27.5          18.3 V EC015J87
    Observer details:
    143 Gnosca.  Observer S. Sposetti.  0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD.
    151 Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur.  Observer M. Griesser.  0.40-m f/5.9
        Hypergraph + CCD.
    704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico.  Observers M. Bezpalko, D. Torres,
        R. Kracke, G. Spitz, J. Kistler.  Measurers J. Stuart, S. Scruggs.  1.0-m
        f/2.15 reflector + CCD.
    J87 La Canada.  Observer J. Lacruz.  0.40-m Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2008 CQ                                                  Earth MOID = 0.0117 AU
    Epoch 2007 Oct. 27.0 TT = JDT 2454400.5                 MPC
    M 330.51791              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.70481336     Peri.  281.40700     +0.55567467     -0.82449121
    a   1.2505085      Node   134.29120     +0.80912669     +0.50671610
    e   0.3633055      Incl.    8.59353     +0.19115353     +0.25189885
    P   1.40           H   25.4           G   0.15           U   8
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    080202 704  0.5+  0.6+    080202 143  0.1-  0.3-    080202 151  0.4+  0.3+
    080202 704  0.2-  0.5-    080202 151  1.4-  0.3+    080202 151  0.0   0.3-
    080202 704  0.1+  0.5-    080202 151  0.2-  0.3+    080202 J87  0.0   0.4-
    080202 704  0.0   0.3+    080202 151  0.1-  0.5+    080202 J87  0.5+  0.9-
    080202 704  0.4-  0.1+    080202 151  0.2+  0.4+    080202 J87  0.2+  0.5-
    080202 143  0.3-  0.2-    080202 151  0.7+  0.7+
    2008 CQ                  a,e,i = 1.25, 0.36, 9                   q = 0.7962
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2008 01 25    21 42.93   -59 57.8    0.0369   0.958    43.0   135.5    24.4
    2008 01 26    21 41.68   -63 53.4    0.0311   0.963    46.5   132.1    23.7
    2008 01 27    21 38.96   -69 31.3    0.0256   0.969    51.8   127.0    22.8
    2008 01 28    21 29.96   -78 04.8    0.0204   0.975    60.0   119.0    21.7
    2008 01 29    11 50.44   -87 48.4    0.0160   0.980    73.3   105.8    20.3
    2008 01 30    10 00.71   -66 17.3    0.0131   0.986    94.7    84.6    18.9
    2008 01 31    09 54.19   -38 36.1    0.0128   0.992   121.9    57.5    18.0
    2008 02 01    09 51.80   -15 01.7    0.0152   0.998   144.7    34.8    17.7
    2008 02 02    09 50.53   +00 14.2    0.0194   1.004   159.0    20.6    17.9
    2008 02 03    09 49.71   +09 39.8    0.0245   1.009   166.7    13.0    18.1
    2008 02 04    09 49.12   +15 45.2    0.0300   1.015   170.0     9.7    18.5
    2008 02 05    09 48.65   +19 55.0    0.0358   1.021   170.4     9.2    18.8
    2008 02 06    09 48.27   +22 54.6    0.0417   1.027   169.6    10.0    19.2
    2008 02 07    09 47.95   +25 08.9    0.0478   1.033   168.4    11.1    19.6
    2008 02 08    09 47.66   +26 52.4    0.0539   1.039   167.1    12.2    19.9
    2008 02 09    09 47.41   +28 14.2    0.0601   1.045   166.0    13.2    20.2
    2008 02 10    09 47.19   +29 20.0    0.0663   1.051   164.9    14.2    20.4
    2008 02 11    09 46.99   +30 13.8    0.0726   1.057   163.9    15.0    20.7
    2008 02 12    09 46.82   +30 58.3    0.0790   1.063   162.9    15.8    20.9
    2008 02 13    09 46.67   +31 35.3    0.0854   1.069   162.1    16.5    21.1
    2008 02 14    09 46.54   +32 06.4    0.0919   1.075   161.2    17.2    21.3
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2008 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2008-C15

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