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  • MPEC 2020-B55 : 2018 CW13

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-B55                              Issued 2020 January 21, 11:45 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                    2018 CW13                                
                                Revision to MPEC 2018-D3                            
    Additional Observations:
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.44032 11 40 20.73 +07 42 23.0          20.0 VoEB055691
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.44706 11 40 19.24 +07 42 55.9          19.8 VoEB055691
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.45379 11 40 17.75 +07 43 28.9          20.0 VoEB055691
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.47728 11 40 12.50 +07 45 25.7          19.2 RoEB055291
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.47888 11 40 12.14 +07 45 33.5          19.4 RoEB055291
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.48049 11 40 11.78 +07 45 41.5          19.4 RoEB055291
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.49405311 40 08.65 +07 46 47.8          19.1 GVEB055H01
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.49744311 40 07.89 +07 47 04.5          19.2 GVEB055H01
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.50851211 40 05.42 +07 47 59.4          19.3 GVEB055H01
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.51713611 40 03.50 +07 48 42.1          19.2 GVEB055H01
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.52858 11 40 01.01 +07 49 39.2          19.8 GVEB055I52
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.53170 11 40 00.34 +07 49 55.1          19.2 RoEB055291
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.53228 11 40 00.19 +07 49 57.6          19.3 GVEB055I52
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.53269 11 40 00.09 +07 49 59.8          19.3 GVEB055I52
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.53311 11 40 00.00 +07 50 01.9          19.3 GVEB055I52
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.53370 11 39 59.89 +07 50 05.0          19.1 RoEB055291
         K18C13W KC2020 01 19.53610 11 39 59.36 +07 50 17.0          19.4 RoEB055291
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.57207911 39 52.315+07 53 19.55         19.68wUEB055F52
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.58394111 39 49.649+07 54 18.34         19.60wUEB055F52
         K18C13W  C2020 01 19.59583411 39 46.980+07 55 17.27         19.54wUEB055F52
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.11938211 37 53.64 +08 38 16.8          20.5 GVEB055L01
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.12069511 37 53.37 +08 38 22.9          20.6 GVEB055L01
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.12200611 37 53.02 +08 38 29.9          20.7 GVEB055L01
         K18C13W pC2020 01 20.12484011 37 52.43 +08 38 44.0          20.7 GVEB055L01
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.37649 11 36 58.32 +08 59 26.9          19.4 RoEB055691
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.38330 11 36 56.79 +09 00 00.6          20.2 RoEB055691
         K18C13W KC2020 01 20.39010 11 36 55.27 +09 00 34.2          20.0 RoEB055691
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.07282 11 34 25.19 +09 56 13.3          19.5 VVEB055033
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.07366 11 34 25.00 +09 56 17.4          19.8 VVEB055033
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.07452 11 34 24.81 +09 56 21.4          20.1 VVEB055033
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.20604 11 33 55.02 +10 07 02.8          20.1 VVEB055033
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.20688 11 33 54.83 +10 07 07.1          20.1 VVEB055033
         K18C13W  C2020 01 21.20774 11 33 54.64 +10 07 11.1          20.4 VVEB055033
         K18C13W KC2020 01 21.43238 11 33 05.33 +10 25 29.8          20.1 RqEB055734
         K18C13W KC2020 01 21.43582 11 33 04.60 +10 25 46.2          20.6 RqEB055734
         K18C13W KC2020 01 21.43926 11 33 03.79 +10 26 02.7          20.0 RqEB055734
         K18C13W KC2020 01 21.44270 11 33 02.98 +10 26 20.0          20.2 RqEB055734
    Observer details:
    033 Karl Schwarzschild Observatory, Tautenburg.  Observers S. Melnikov, F. 
       Ludwig, B. Stecklum.  Measurer B. Stecklum.  1.34-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD.
    291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observer R. A. Mastaler.  1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch.  Observers R. A. Mastaler, M. T. 
       Read.  0.9-m f/3 reflector + CCD.
    734 Farpoint Observatory, Eskridge.  Observers G. Hug, D. Cromer, D. Goodin.  
        Measurer D. Cromer.  0.7-m reflector + CCD.
    F52 Pan-STARRS 2, Haleakala.  Observers J. Bulger, T. Dukes, T. Lowe, A. 
       Schultz, M. Willman.  Measurers K. Chambers, S. Chastel, T. de Boer, L. 
       Denneau, J. Fairlamb, H. Flewelling, M. Huber, C.-C. Lin, E. Magnier, Y. 
       Ramanjooloo, R. Wainscoat, R. Weryk.  1.8-m Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    H01 Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro.  Observers W. H. Ryan, E. V. Ryan.  
        Measurer W. H. Ryan.  2.4-m f/8.9 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer D. Rankin.  Measurers E. 
       J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. 
       Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D. 
       Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m reflector + CCD.
    L01 Visnjan Observatory, Tican.  Observer K. Korlevic.  1.0-m f/2.9 reflector + 
    First and last observations above in comparison with prediction:
    Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees), reference and Delta-T
    200119 691 0.50- 0.72-    200121 734 0.61- 0.57-    MPO473495   -1.26 days
    Orbital elements:
    2018 CW13                                                Earth MOID = 0.0891 AU
    Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5                  Veres
    M  97.07276              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.48203500     Peri.  243.34268     +0.88748612     -0.27464450
    a   1.6109559      Node   130.06267     +0.31880430     +0.94574658
    e   0.7049118      Incl.   28.91510     -0.33276449     +0.17359092
    P   2.04           H   20.0           G   0.15           U   5
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    180210 G96  0.2+  0.5-    180223 I52  0.6-  0.3+    200119 F52  0.0   0.1-
    180210 G96  0.1+  0.0     180223 I52  0.6-  0.2-    200119 F52  0.0   0.1-
    180210 G96  0.2+  0.4-    180223 I52  0.7-  0.5+    200119 F52  0.0   0.1-
    180210 G96  0.2+  0.3-    200119 691  0.2-  0.9+    200120 L01  0.1+  0.3+
    180210 I52  0.9+  0.5+    200119 691  0.0   0.3+    200120 L01  0.5+  0.1-
    180210 I52  1.1+  0.8+    200119 691  0.2+  0.1-    200120 L01  0.3-  0.5+
    180210 I52  0.6+  1.1+    200119 291  0.2+  0.2+    200120 L01  0.3+  0.6+
    180210 L01  0.4-  0.0     200119 291  0.2+  0.1+    200120 691  0.1-  0.0
    180210 L01  0.7-  0.4-    200119 291  0.1+  0.1+    200120 691  0.0   0.1+
    180210 L01  0.2+  0.8-    200119 H01  0.0   0.1-    200120 691  0.2+  0.2+
    180211 I52  0.2-  0.6-    200119 H01  0.0   0.2-    200121 033  0.2-  0.4-
    180211 I52  1.0-  0.9-    200119 H01  0.0   0.1-    200121 033  0.2-  0.4-
    180215 L01  0.1+  0.3-    200119 H01  0.0   0.1-    200121 033  0.1-  0.6-
    180216 L01  0.5-  0.5-    200119 I52  0.1-  0.3-    200121 033  0.2-  0.5-
    180216 L01  0.8+  0.7+    200119 291  0.1+  0.0     200121 033  0.2-  0.3-
    180216 L01  0.0   1.0+    200119 I52  0.0   0.2-    200121 033  0.2-  0.5-
    180216 L01  0.5+  0.8-    200119 I52  0.1-  0.0     200121 734  0.5-  0.4+
    180218 F51  0.3+  0.2-    200119 I52  0.1-  0.0     200121 734  0.4+  0.1+
    180218 F51  0.1-  0.3+    200119 291  0.0   0.0     200121 734  0.0   0.1-
    180223 I52  0.7-  0.2-    200119 291  0.1+  0.1+    200121 734  0.3-  0.5+
    2018 CW13                a,e,i = 1.61, 0.70, 29                  q = 0.4754
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2019 12 22    13 04 50.8 -28 23 49   0.4186  0.8922    65.1    89.7    21.0
    2020 01 06    12 23 20.7 -10 44 03   0.3836  1.0871    95.2    64.3    20.4
    2020 01 14    11 58 59.4 +00 07 47   0.3791  1.1855   113.3    49.6    20.1
    2020 01 20    11 38 19.8 +08 28 37   0.3872  1.2565   127.2    38.6    20.0
    2020 01 21    11 34 41.2 +09 50 29   0.3897  1.2682   129.5    36.8    20.0
    2020 01 22    11 30 59.5 +11 11 25   0.3926  1.2797   131.8    35.0    19.9
    2020 01 28    11 07 59.0 +18 47 42   0.4179  1.3475   144.7    25.0    19.9
    2020 02 05    10 36 41.8 +27 01 01   0.4732  1.4343   157.5    15.3    20.0
    2020 02 20    09 46 31.7 +35 47 05   0.6348  1.5865   154.9    15.3    20.9
    A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-B55

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