MPEC 2020-E06 : 2020 DX4
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M.P.E.C. 2020-E06 Issued 2020 March 2, 11:49 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2020 DX4 Observations: K20D04X* C2020 02 29.36051 10 04 28.95 +11 21 16.3 20.9 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.37321 10 04 22.57 +11 16 44.0 VEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.37955 10 04 19.43 +11 14 28.9 21.0 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.44240 10 03 48.75 +10 52 13.0 22.3 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.44275 10 03 48.61 +10 52 05.8 21.1 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.44310 10 03 48.45 +10 51 58.1 20.9 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.44434 10 03 47.84 +10 51 32.2 21.2 GVEE006V00 K20D04X C2020 02 29.96362 10 00 09.14 +07 55 53.9 23.5 VVEE006033 K20D04X C2020 02 29.96447 10 00 08.76 +07 55 37.3 23.5 VVEE006033 K20D04X C2020 02 29.96532 10 00 08.35 +07 55 20.3 22.1 VVEE006033 K20D04X C2020 02 29.96634 10 00 07.92 +07 55 00.5 22.5 VVEE006033 K20D04X |C2020 03 02.16903 09 52 47.38 +02 03 16.7 22.5 GVEE006807 K20D04X |C2020 03 02.17877 09 52 43.83 +02 00 41.1 22.3 GVEE006807 K20D04X |C2020 03 02.18850 09 52 40.28 +01 58 05.5 22.2 GVEE006807 Observer details: 033 Karl Schwarzschild Observatory, Tautenburg. Observers S. Melnikov, B. Stecklum. Measurer B. Stecklum. 1.34-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD. 807 Cerro Tololo Observatory, La Serena. Observers T. Linder, R. Holmes. 1.00-m f/10.0 astrograph + CCD. V00 Kitt Peak-Bok. Observers H. Groeller, J. V. Scotti. Measurers E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos. 2.25-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2020 DX4 Earth MOID = 0.0588 AU Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5 Alexandersen M 67.15756 (2000.0) P Q n 0.48354651 Peri. 122.63015 -0.23260845 -0.96078532 a 1.6075971 Node 339.15865 +0.68778865 -0.05277096 e 0.4314984 Incl. 25.10432 +0.68763368 -0.27222563 P 2.04 H 26.9 G 0.15 U 8 Residuals in seconds of arc 200229 V00 0.3+ 0.3+ 200229 V00 0.2+ 0.1- 200229 033 0.1- 0.2- 200229 V00 0.2- 0.5- 200229 V00 0.1- 0.3+ 200302 807 0.1- 0.0 200229 V00 0.0 0.2- 200229 033 0.2+ 0.3+ 200302 807 0.1+ 0.1+ 200229 V00 0.3- 0.0 200229 033 0.1+ 0.2+ 200302 807 0.1+ 0.2- 200229 V00 0.1+ 0.2+ 200229 033 0.4- 0.3- Ephemeris: 2020 DX4 a,e,i = 1.61, 0.43, 25 q = 0.9139 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2020 02 01 20 06 40.5 +53 54 47 0.2271 0.9404 72.1 94.7 26.9 ... 2020 02 16 18 05 45.6 +69 09 02 0.1038 0.9950 91.0 83.0 24.9 ... 2020 02 24 11 26 29.8 +52 25 46 0.06011 1.0333 135.7 42.0 22.5 ... 2020 03 01 09 59 55.2 +07 45 43 0.07590 1.0652 168.0 11.2 22.1 2020 03 02 09 53 44.1 +02 48 14 0.08232 1.0707 164.8 14.0 22.4 2020 03 03 09 48 34.3 -01 24 20 0.08935 1.0763 161.3 17.2 22.7 ... 2020 03 09 09 30 20.0 -16 24 50 0.1391 1.1110 146.1 29.9 24.1 ... 2020 03 17 09 21 52.1 -24 14 13 0.2141 1.1595 136.4 36.3 25.4 ... 2020 04 01 09 24 10.9 -28 44 59 0.3654 1.2548 127.3 39.3 26.8 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 2020 MPC M.P.E.C. 2020-E06
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