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  • MPEC 2020-E08 : 2020 DA5

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-E08                                 Issued 2020 March 3, 03:16 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                    2020 DA5                                 
         K20D05A* C2020 02 29.45183 12 07 00.35 -01 01 17.1          21.7 GVEE008V00
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.45820 12 07 02.20 -00 59 26.4          20.3 GVEE008V00
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.46457 12 07 03.98 -00 57 36.5          20.5 GVEE008V00
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.47093 12 07 05.78 -00 55 46.1          20.5 GVEE008V00
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.50856 12 07 16.50 -00 44 57.2          21.4 GVEE008I52
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.51052 12 07 17.04 -00 44 22.8          20.2 GVEE008I52
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.51248 12 07 17.61 -00 43 49.0          21.2 GVEE008I52
         K20D05A KC2020 02 29.60312912 07 49.47 -00 15 49.8          20.7 GVEE008474
         K20D05A KC2020 02 29.60498812 07 49.96 -00 15 17.9          20.7 GVEE008474
         K20D05A KC2020 02 29.60685512 07 50.48 -00 14 46.2          20.2 GVEE008474
         K20D05A KC2020 02 29.60866512 07 50.97 -00 14 14.6          20.7 GVEE008474
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.94613 12 09 37.66 +01 20 27.1          21.9 VVEE008033
         K20D05A  C2020 02 29.94737 12 09 38.00 +01 20 48.4          21.5 VVEE008033
         K20D05A KC2020 03 01.23855712 11 07.30 +02 44 19.9          20.9 VuEE008H21
         K20D05A KC2020 03 01.24359512 11 08.71 +02 45 46.0          20.8 VuEE008H21
         K20D05A KC2020 03 01.24650212 11 09.50 +02 46 35.8          20.9 VuEE008H21
         K20D05A KC2020 03 01.24940912 11 10.31 +02 47 25.9          20.9 VuEE008H21
         K20D05A KC2020 03 03.06006312 20 10.79 +11 11 02.7          20.2 GVEE008J95
         K20D05A KC2020 03 03.08077412 20 16.39 +11 16 36.4          20.4 GVEE008J95
         K20D05A KC2020 03 03.09948012 20 21.42 +11 21 38.5          20.9 GVEE008J95
         K20D05A KC2020 03 03.11476712 20 25.54 +11 25 44.2          20.5 GVEE008J95
    Observer details:
    033 Karl Schwarzschild Observatory, Tautenburg.  Observers S. Melnikov, B. 
       Stecklum.  Measurer B. Stecklum.  1.34-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD.
    474 Mount John Observatory, Lake Tekapo.  Observers A. C. Gilmore, P. M. 
       Kilmartin.  Measurer P. M. Kilmartin.  1.0-m f/7.7 reflector + CCD.
    H21 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield.  Observer R. Holmes.  
        Measurers S. Foglia, L. Buzzi, T. Linder, R. Holmes.  0.76-m f/3.0 
       astrograph + CCD.
    I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer G. J. Leonard.  
        Measurers E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. 
       Grauer, H. Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. 
       Pruyne, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m 
       reflector + CCD.
    J95 Great Shefford.  Observer P. Birtwhistle.  0.41-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain 
       + CCD.
    V00 Kitt Peak-Bok.  Observers H. Groeller, J. V. Scotti.  Measurers E. J. 
       Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. 
       Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D. 
       Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  2.25-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2020 DA5                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0867 AU
    Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5                  Alexandersen
    M  70.43699              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.60250184     Peri.  334.78267     -0.74213733     -0.65591131
    a   1.3883441      Node   161.96421     +0.66526004     -0.74590955
    e   0.2368415      Incl.   26.44587     +0.08161652     +0.11575532
    P   1.64           H   25.0           G   0.15           U   7
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    200229 V00  0.6-  0.4-    200229 474  0.6+  0.2+    200301 H21  0.1+  0.4-
    200229 V00  0.2+  0.1+    200229 474  0.1+  0.0     200301 H21  0.2-  0.4-
    200229 V00  0.0   0.1-    200229 474  0.0   0.5-    200301 H21  0.2-  0.1-
    200229 V00  0.0   0.4+    200229 474  0.3-  0.1-    200303 J95  0.4-  0.1-
    200229 I52  0.0   0.4-    200229 033  0.7+  0.7+    200303 J95  0.1+  0.4-
    200229 I52  0.4-  0.1+    200229 033  0.5+  0.7+    200303 J95  0.1+  0.4+
    200229 I52  0.4-  0.1+    200301 H21  0.0   0.1-    200303 J95  0.1+  0.2+
    2020 DA5                 a,e,i = 1.39, 0.24, 26                  q = 1.0595
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2020 02 02    09 44 29.8 -60 41 49   0.2384  1.0596   101.7    65.6    24.3
    2020 02 17    10 58 21.9 -45 41 03   0.1382  1.0646   120.4    53.1    22.8
    2020 02 25    11 43 09.0 -21 27 35   0.1007  1.0729   144.2    32.7    21.5
    2020 03 02    12 14 55.8 +06 20 28   0.09605 1.0815   159.4    18.8    21.0
    2020 03 03    12 19 52.7 +10 55 38   0.09785 1.0831   158.8    19.3    21.1
    2020 03 04    12 24 42.3 +15 18 34   0.1003  1.0848   157.3    20.6    21.2
    2020 03 10    12 50 43.9 +35 48 35   0.1266  1.0960   142.3    33.7    22.1
    2020 03 18    13 16 47.9 +50 00 13   0.1787  1.1135   127.7    45.0    23.2
    2020 04 02    13 42 23.2 +58 58 27   0.2906  1.1533   115.1    51.7    24.5
    A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-E08

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