MPEC 2020-G98 : 2008 RG167
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M.P.E.C. 2020-G98 Issued 2020 April 13, 23:03 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2008 RG167 On April 13, 2020, A. Doppler reported the linkage of nine tracklets from isolated tracklet file, yielding a Centaur-type orbit. Observations: K08RG7G* C2008 09 06.30061 23 40 25.21 -01 37 10.7 20.3 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2008 09 06.30647 23 40 25.06 -01 37 11.6 21.3 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2008 09 06.31219 23 40 24.99 -01 37 12.9 21.4 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2008 09 06.31786 23 40 24.88 -01 37 13.5 21.2 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 09 18.36069 01 47 07.37 +06 25 58.8 21.0 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 09 18.37832 01 47 07.21 +06 25 55.4 21.2 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 09 18.39594 01 47 06.94 +06 25 53.8 21.1 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 09 26.35123 01 45 11.86 +06 05 54.2 21.0 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 09 26.36884 01 45 11.57 +06 05 51.4 21.3 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 09 26.38644 01 45 11.28 +06 05 48.8 21.1 VoEG098691 K08RG7G C2009 10 15.36412 01 39 25.30 +05 14 28.2 20.9 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 10 15.37010 01 39 25.12 +05 14 27.5 20.9 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 10 15.37606 01 39 25.02 +05 14 26.8 20.9 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 10 15.38194 01 39 24.91 +05 14 25.4 20.8 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 11 16.24618 01 29 50.24 +04 01 59.9 21.8 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 11 16.25351 01 29 50.13 +04 01 59.7 21.9 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 11 16.26096 01 29 50.02 +04 01 58.4 21.4 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2009 11 16.26854 01 29 49.95 +04 01 57.9 21.4 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 11 12.35689 03 38 49.41 +10 58 34.7 21.2 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 11 12.36436 03 38 49.34 +10 58 33.7 22.2 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 11 12.37193 03 38 49.12 +10 58 34.1 21.1 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 11 12.37941 03 38 48.94 +10 58 32.5 21.0 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 02.21066 03 31 50.70 +10 29 43.6 21.7 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 02.21766 03 31 50.55 +10 29 42.7 21.4 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 02.22472 03 31 50.37 +10 29 42.7 20.6 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 02.23181 03 31 50.26 +10 29 41.9 20.9 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 10.18768 03 29 20.50 +10 21 57.1 21.5 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 10.19527 03 29 20.32 +10 21 57.3 21.5 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 10.20282 03 29 20.18 +10 21 56.1 20.8 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2010 12 10.21037 03 29 20.11 +10 21 55.7 21.1 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2011 12 31.20336 05 06 45.25 +13 29 25.8 21.4 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2011 12 31.21080 05 06 45.10 +13 29 25.8 21.6 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2011 12 31.21834 05 06 44.92 +13 29 25.9 22.1 VrEG098G96 K08RG7G C2011 12 31.22590 05 06 44.78 +13 29 25.9 22.2 VrEG098G96 Observer details: 691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch. Observers T. H. Bressi, J. V. Scotti. 0.9-m f/3 reflector + CCD. G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey. Observers R. A. Kowalski, R. E. Hill, A. D. Grauer, A. Boattini, A. R. Gibbs. Measurers E. C. Beshore, A. Boattini, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught, J. D. Ahern. 1.5-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2008 RG167 Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5 (M-c) Veres M 56.73528 (2000.0) P Q n 0.01438081 Peri. 203.79586 +0.94181739 -0.33595771 a 16.7473912 Node 175.79207 +0.32690534 +0.90819089 e 0.6269336 Incl. 8.30824 +0.07818505 +0.24964318 P 68.54 H 13.1 G 0.15 U 1 Residuals in seconds of arc 080906 G96 0.3+ 0.2- 091015 G96 0.3+ 0.3+ 101202 G96 0.5- 0.2+ 080906 G96 0.3- 0.2- 091015 G96 0.4+ 0.2- 101202 G96 0.0 0.1- 080906 G96 0.2+ 0.5- 091116 G96 0.2- 0.2- 101210 G96 0.1+ 0.0 080906 G96 0.2+ 0.2- 091116 G96 0.3- 0.3+ 101210 G96 0.5- 0.6+ 090918 691 0.8- 0.6+ 091116 G96 0.3- 0.3- 101210 G96 0.6- 0.3- 090918 691 0.3+ 0.3- 091116 G96 0.3+ 0.1- 101210 G96 0.4+ 0.3- 090918 691 0.2- 0.7+ 101112 G96 0.3- 0.0 111231 G96 0.3+ 0.3- 090926 691 0.3- 0.1+ 101112 G96 1.1+ 0.2- 111231 G96 0.2+ 0.4- 090926 691 0.3- 0.0 101112 G96 0.3+ 1.0+ 111231 G96 0.3- 0.3- 090926 691 0.3- 0.2+ 101112 G96 0.0 0.1+ 111231 G96 0.3- 0.3- 091015 G96 0.9+ 0.3- 101202 G96 0.1+ 0.2+ 091015 G96 0.0 0.0 101202 G96 0.0 0.3- Ephemeris: 2008 RG167 a,e,i = 16.75, 0.63, 8 q = 6.2479 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2020 03 14 09 56 49.0 +08 24 13 16.1231 17.0260 154.5 1.4 25.5 ... 2020 03 29 09 54 36.5 +08 39 36 16.2970 17.0648 139.2 2.2 25.6 ... 2020 04 06 09 53 40.9 +08 46 43 16.4116 17.0854 131.0 2.5 25.6 ... 2020 04 12 09 53 07.2 +08 51 26 16.5059 17.1009 125.0 2.8 25.6 2020 04 13 09 53 02.3 +08 52 10 16.5223 17.1035 124.0 2.8 25.6 2020 04 14 09 52 57.6 +08 52 53 16.5388 17.1061 123.0 2.8 25.7 ... 2020 04 20 09 52 33.7 +08 56 49 16.6411 17.1215 117.1 3.0 25.7 ... 2020 04 28 09 52 13.9 +09 01 02 16.7849 17.1421 109.2 3.2 25.7 ... 2020 05 13 09 52 14.9 +09 05 41 17.0689 17.1807 94.7 3.4 25.8 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 2020 MPC M.P.E.C. 2020-G98
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