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  • MPEC 2020-K92 : Comet P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4 (Leonard)

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-K92                                  Issued 2020 May 21, 01:18 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                      Comet P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4 (Leonard)                  
         S. Nakano identified P/2020 F1 with observations taken on a single night
    in 2002 by Spacewatch (691) of an apparently asteroidal object (cf. CBET 4737).
    It was also located by S. Deen on images taken in 2002 by SDSS (645), and by
    R. Matson and K. Sarneczky on images taken in 2002 by the NEAT survey (644).
        PK20F010  C2002 03 05.25084711 37 12.63 +06 46 29.0          20.5 r      645
        PK20F010  C2002 03 05.25167611 37 12.61 +06 46 29.2          20.3 i      645
        PK20F010  C2002 03 05.25333511 37 12.55 +06 46 29.7          19.7 z      645
        PK20F010  C2002 03 05.25416411 37 12.52 +06 46 29.8          21.2 g      645
        PK20F010 fC2002 03 09.39808 11 35 15.08 +07 03 23.7          22.0 Vd     691
        PK20F010  C2002 03 09.41985 11 35 14.48 +07 03 29.6          21.5 Vd     691
        PK20F010  C2002 03 09.44130 11 35 13.83 +07 03 34.7          21.3 Vd     691
        PK20F010 CC2002 03 11.34524 11 34 19.31 +07 11 14.7          20.3 Go     644
        PK20F010 CC2002 03 11.35578 11 34 19.01 +07 11 17.4          20.4 Go     644
        PK20F010 CC2002 03 11.36755 11 34 18.64 +07 11 20.8          20.4 Go     644
        PK20F010  C2002 03 12.26343 11 33 53.01 +07 14 55.6          19.7 RV     644
        PK20F010  C2002 03 12.33241 11 33 50.94 +07 15 12.6          19.8 RV     644
        PK20F010  C2002 03 12.40324 11 33 48.83 +07 15 29.3          19.8 RV     644
    Observer details:
    644 Palomar Mountain/NEAT.  Observers E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence, M.
        Hicks, R. Thicksten, E. Hovland, T. Bickler, J. Schroeder, L. Scherr, A.
        Deetz, K. Kuluhiwa.  Measurers K. Sarneczky, R. Matson.  1.2-m Oschin
        Schmidt + CCD, 1.2-m Schmidt + CCD.
    645 Apache Point-Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  Measurer S. Deen. 2.5-m reflector +
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch.  Observer A. F. Tubbiolo.
        0.9-m Spacewatch telescope + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
        P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4
    Epoch 2002 Feb. 15.0 TT = JDT 2452320.5                                         
    T 2001 Sept. 11.58377 TT                                Rudenko                 
    q   3.9990921            (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.05468081     Peri.    8.58670     -0.82087431     -0.56740461             
    a   6.8745787      Node   136.63184     +0.51820529     -0.78780026             
    e   0.4182782      Incl.    5.42671     +0.24005966     -0.23963045             
    P  18.0                                                                         
    From 115 observations 2002 Mar. 5-2020 Apr. 21, mean residual 0".4.             
        P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4
    Epoch 2019 Aug. 25.0 TT = JDT 2458720.5                                         
    T 2019 Aug. 29.32101 TT                                 Rudenko                 
    q   3.9831654            (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.05518607     Peri.    8.70297     -0.82225829     -0.56538835             
    a   6.8325537      Node   136.65557     +0.51628533     -0.78911575             
    e   0.4170312      Incl.    5.43551     +0.23945930     -0.24006739             
    P  17.9                                                                         
    From 115 observations 2002 Mar. 5-2020 Apr. 21, mean residual 0".4.             
        P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4
    Epoch 2037 May 22.0 TT = JDT 2465200.5                                          
    T 2037 June 6.04676 TT                                  Rudenko                 
    q   3.9696886            (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.05589992     Peri.    9.28474     -0.82468704     -0.56177684             
    a   6.7742607      Node   136.32304     +0.51263519     -0.79140694             
    e   0.4140042      Incl.    5.44744     +0.23894863     -0.24100173             
    P  17.6                                                                         
    From 115 observations 2002 Mar. 5-2020 Apr. 21, mean residual 0".4.             
        P/2020 F1 = P/2002 E4
    Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5                                          
    T 2019 Aug. 29.16090 TT                                 Rudenko                 
    q   3.9830891            (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.05525974     Peri.    8.67958     -0.82206085     -0.56567502             
    a   6.8264800      Node   136.65895     +0.51656247     -0.78893897             
    e   0.4165237      Incl.    5.43612     +0.23953950     -0.23997307             
    P  17.8                                                                         
    From 115 observations 2002 Mar. 5-2020 Apr. 21, mean residual 0".4.             
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
    2020 04 21    11 29 17.8 +08 14 29   3.3841  4.1893   138.4     9.2  20.9
    2020 05 06    11 27 47.2 +08 20 47   3.5729  4.2150   123.5    11.5  21.0
    2020 05 14    11 28 14.8 +08 14 59   3.6877  4.2292   116.0    12.4  21.1
    2020 05 20    11 29 09.9 +08 06 41   3.7786  4.2401   110.5    12.9  21.2
    2020 05 21    11 29 21.8 +08 04 59   3.7941  4.2419   109.6    13.0  21.2
    2020 05 22    11 29 34.6 +08 03 11   3.8097  4.2438   108.7    13.1  21.2
    2020 05 28    11 31 07.6 +07 50 38   3.9048  4.2550   103.4    13.4  21.2
    2020 06 05    11 33 53.2 +07 29 20   4.0346  4.2701    96.5    13.7  21.3
    2020 06 20    11 40 59.0 +06 37 01   4.2823  4.2995    84.2    13.6  21.5
    M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-K92

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