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  • MPEC 2020-Q201 : 2013 HG162

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-Q201                              Issued 2020 August 26, 11:56 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                   2013 HG162                                
         K13HG2G* C2013 04 16.48842 15 05 50.192-28 14 18.18         20.4 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2013 04 16.50456 15 05 49.714-28 14 11.76         20.2 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2013 05 05.40987 14 55 57.905-25 56 00.88         20.1 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2013 05 05.42465 14 55 57.418-25 55 53.92         20.2 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2013 05 05.43944 14 55 56.933-25 55 46.99         20.1 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 24.39633 16 10 26.12 -03 18 17.4                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 24.41401 16 10 25.71 -03 18 12.0                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 24.43169 16 10 25.29 -03 18 05.3                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 28.38346 16 08 56.32 -02 55 02.4                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 28.40114 16 08 55.86 -02 54 53.8                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 04 28.42099 16 08 55.40 -02 54 47.3                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 02.37440 16 07 21.96 -02 32 07.0          21.2 VoEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 02.39206 16 07 21.54 -02 32 01.1          21.1 VoEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 02.40972 16 07 21.10 -02 31 54.9          21.5 VoEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 06.37556 16 05 43.73 -02 09 41.1                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 06.39326 16 05 43.26 -02 09 35.6                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 05 06.41095 16 05 42.81 -02 09 29.8                oEQ201691
         K13HG2G  C2014 06 22.16166 15 46 42.82 +01 08 57.9          20.8 VqEQ201G96
         K13HG2G  C2014 06 22.16989 15 46 42.70 +01 08 59.3          21.0 VqEQ201G96
         K13HG2G  C2014 06 22.17810 15 46 42.49 +01 09 01.0          21.9 VqEQ201G96
         K13HG2G  C2014 06 22.18632 15 46 42.35 +01 09 02.8          21.9 VqEQ201G96
         K13HG2G  C2014 07 01.37141 15 43 59.802+01 30 58.84         21.5 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2014 07 01.38343 15 43 59.613+01 31 00.38         21.5 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2014 07 01.39543 15 43 59.418+01 31 01.87         21.6 wLEQ201F51
         K13HG2G  C2014 07 01.40745 15 43 59.214+01 31 03.27         21.6 wLEQ201F51
    Observer details:
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch.  Observers R. A. Mastaler, R.
        S. McMillan.  0.9-m f/3 reflector + CCD.
    F51 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala.  Observers N. Primak, A. Schultz, S. Watters, T.
        Goggia, M. Willman.  Measurer P.-S. 1. S. Consortium.  1.8-m Ritchey-
        Chretien + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer R. A. Kowalski.  Measurers E. J. Christensen,
        A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, J. A. Johnson, R. A. Kowalski, S.
        M. Larson, R. J. Sanders, F. C. Shelly.  1.5-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2013 HG162
    Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5                  Doppler
    M  14.69635              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.00489641     Peri.  312.74120     -0.63501168     -0.26430291
    a  34.3466476      Node   231.31151     -0.05950103     -0.92012372
    e   0.8379271      Incl.   68.42775     -0.77020763     +0.28899187
    P 201              H   12.3           G   0.15           U   0
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    130416 F51  0.0   0.0     140428 691  0.4-  0.4+    140622 G96  0.5+  0.3-
    130416 F51  0.2+  0.1-    140428 691  0.3-  0.0     140622 G96  0.2-  0.1+
    130505 F51  0.0   0.0     140502 691  0.0   0.0     140622 G96  0.1+  0.6+
    130505 F51  0.1-  0.0     140502 691  0.2+  0.1-    140701 F51  0.0   0.0
    130505 F51  0.1-  0.1+    140502 691  0.1+  0.1+    140701 F51  0.1+  0.1+
    140424 691  0.2+  0.1+    140506 691  0.2+  0.2+    140701 F51  0.1+  0.1+
    140424 691  0.0   0.8-    140506 691  0.1-  0.2-    140701 F51  0.1-  0.0
    140424 691  0.4-  0.3-    140506 691  0.2-  0.2-
    140428 691 (0.3+  2.1-)   140622 G96  0.2-  0.3-
    2013 HG162               a,e,i = 34.35, 0.84, 68                 q = 5.5667
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2020 07 27    18 14 13.0 +41 28 58  16.8750 17.2822   112.1     3.1    24.9
    2020 08 11    18 11 18.6 +41 05 43  16.9981 17.3412   108.2     3.2    25.0
    2020 08 19    18 10 06.9 +40 49 56  17.0732 17.3727   105.6     3.2    25.0
    2020 08 25    18 09 24.3 +40 36 51  17.1331 17.3962   103.5     3.2    25.0
    2020 08 26    18 09 18.1 +40 34 35  17.1434 17.4001   103.1     3.2    25.0
    2020 08 27    18 09 12.3 +40 32 18  17.1537 17.4040   102.7     3.2    25.0
    2020 09 02    18 08 43.1 +40 18 09  17.2172 17.4276   100.4     3.3    25.0
    2020 09 10    18 08 20.5 +39 58 23  17.3052 17.4589    97.1     3.3    25.0
    2020 09 25    18 08 29.3 +39 20 03  17.4771 17.5176    90.7     3.3    25.1
    A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-Q201

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