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  • MPEC 2020-X02 : 2020 WR5

    The following Minor Planet Electronic Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed electronically.

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-X02                              Issued 2020 December 1, 20:11 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                    2020 WR5                                 
         K20W05R* S2020 11 26.55754 08 25 44.32 -48 27 11.2          19   RLEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.55754 1 - 2780.9900 +  551.8196 - 6247.5864   EX002C51
         K20W05R  S2020 11 26.68832 08 26 28.83 -48 32 46.8                LEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.68832 1 - 2778.7782 +  546.1144 - 6249.0915   EX002C51
         K20W05R  S2020 11 26.75364 08 26 51.18 -48 35 33.9                LEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.75364 1 - 2815.6854 +  537.5187 - 6233.2852   EX002C51
         K20W05R  S2020 11 26.81909 08 27 13.67 -48 38 20.6                LEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.81909 1 - 2776.1673 +  540.4802 - 6250.7600   EX002C51
         K20W05R  S2020 11 26.88442 08 27 36.20 -48 41 07.4                LEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.88442 1 - 2813.0547 +  531.8096 - 6234.9818   EX002C51
         K20W05R  S2020 11 26.94987 08 27 58.79 -48 43 54.0                LEX002C51
         K20W05R  s2020 11 26.94987 1 - 2773.8859 +  534.8075 - 6252.2775   EX002C51
         K20W05R |C2020 11 28.24319 08 35 38.48 -49 38 29.9          21.5 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 28.24594 08 35 39.46 -49 38 36.9          21.4 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 28.24868 08 35 40.44 -49 38 44.2          21.5 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 28.25142 08 35 41.44 -49 38 51.2          21.8 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 30.28087 08 48 29.46 -51 01 50.8          21.3 VuEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 30.29371 08 48 34.37 -51 02 22.2          21.3 VuEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 11 30.31948 08 48 44.39 -51 03 24.5          21.2 VuEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 12 01.25869 08 55 02.73 -51 40 31.5          21.6 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 12 01.26362 08 55 04.73 -51 40 42.6          21.5 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 12 01.26854 08 55 06.70 -51 40 55.4          21.4 GVEX002807
         K20W05R |C2020 12 01.27347 08 55 08.74 -51 41 06.1          21.1 GVEX002807
    Observer details:
    807 Cerro Tololo Observatory, La Serena.  Observers T. Linder, R. Holmes.
        1.00-m f/10.0 astrograph + CCD, 0.61-m f/6.5 astrograph + CCD.
    C51 WISE.  Observer Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer.
        Measurers A. K. Mainzer, J. M. Bauer, T. Grav, J. R. Masiero, R. M. Cutri,
        J. W. Dailey, E. Kramer, J. Pittichova, S. Sonnett, E. L. Wright.
    Orbital elements:
    2020 WR5                                                 Earth MOID = 0.2294 AU
    Epoch 2020 Dec. 17.0 TT = JDT 2459200.5                 Veres
    M 342.50006              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.43266504     Peri.  359.18442     -0.95035172     -0.28298252
    a   1.7312835      Node   162.60826     +0.28789579     -0.95744065
    e   0.5597819      Incl.   25.65946     +0.11810008     +0.05681801
    P   2.28           H   20.6           G   0.15           U   9
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    201126 C51  0.6+  0.2+    201128 807  0.0   0.2+    201130 807  0.4+  0.1+
    201126 C51  0.4-  0.5-    201128 807  0.1-  0.2+    201201 807  0.2-  0.2-
    201126 C51  0.5-  0.4-    201128 807  0.0   0.2-    201201 807  0.0   0.4+
    201126 C51  0.3-  0.1+    201128 807  0.2+  0.2-    201201 807  0.1-  0.6-
    201126 C51  0.3+  0.2+    201130 807  0.0   0.1-    201201 807  0.4+  0.5+
    201126 C51  0.3+  0.5+    201130 807  0.4-  0.2-
    2020 WR5                 a,e,i = 1.73, 0.56, 26                  q = 0.7621
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2020 11 01    06 46 18.4 -29 46 19   0.7175  1.3512   103.2    45.6    22.3
    2020 11 16    07 35 52.3 -40 38 48   0.6037  1.2200    97.0    53.6    21.9
    2020 11 24    08 11 55.1 -46 36 25   0.5549  1.1494    92.0    59.1    21.7
    2020 11 30    08 46 38.2 -50 50 28   0.5233  1.0967    87.6    63.9    21.7
    2020 12 01    08 53 15.9 -51 30 17   0.5184  1.0880    86.8    64.8    21.6
    2020 12 02    09 00 09.9 -52 09 07   0.5137  1.0793    86.0    65.7    21.6
    2020 12 08    09 47 56.7 -55 33 31   0.4879  1.0278    80.9    71.2    21.6
    2020 12 16    11 09 39.7 -58 00 56   0.4610  0.9616    73.6    79.0    21.6
    2020 12 31    14 00 00.6 -51 57 18   0.4436  0.8529    60.0    93.2    21.8
    M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-X02

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